Who was Ted’s favorite non-mother love interest in How You Met Your Mother?

Who was Ted's favorite non-mother love interest in How You Met Your Mother?

Surprised no one, Robin (Cobie Skulders) is ranked number one in our survey. She received just over 16% vote for Ted’s favorite Ted love interests. Robin and Ted’s on/off relationship was the highlight of our survey. “How I Met Your Mother,”The chemistry between them was evident. While fans soon learned that she was not the mother, it didn’t stop them from rooting for their couple.

Becky (​​Laura Bell Bundy) and Naomi (Katie Holmes) are tied for second in our poll, with exactly 15.42% of the vote each. These were minor flings by Ted. We believe Naomi was the winner of our survey because of Holmes’ excellent guest appearance. Stella (Sarah Chalke), and Jeanette (Abby Elliott) are tied for third, with 10.88% choosing them. These women couldn’t be more opposite, with Stella serving as an ex-fiancé of Ted’s while Jeanette was a crazy stalker ex.

Zoey (Jennifer Morrison), and Karen (Laura Prepon), are very close at fourth and fifth, with 9.9% and 9.88% of the votes, respectively. Victoria (Ashley Williams), Royce (Judy Greer), and 6.82% (both 5%) of the respondents, are the final two spots.

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