Where to Watch Why Women Kill Online? A Darkly Entertaining Anthology Series

“Why Women Kill” is a captivating American dark comedy anthology television series created by the talented Marc Cherry. The show delves into the intriguing events leading to deaths caused by women, weaving together multiple time periods and interconnected stories of betrayal, infidelity, and suspense. With its unique storytelling and exceptional performances, “Why Women Kill” has garnered a devoted fanbase. If you’re eager to dive into this gripping anthology, here’s a guide on where to watch “Why Women Kill.”

Why Women Kill Plot

Where to watch Why Women Kill a

The first season of “Why Women Kill” takes place in different decades and revolves around three women who share a connection through living in the same Pasadena mansion and experiencing infidelity in their marriages. In 1963, Beth Ann Stanton, a devoted housewife, discovers her husband’s unfaithfulness and grapples with the consequences. The story shifts to 1984, where socialite Simone Grove uncovers her husband’s homosexuality and embarks on her own affair with a younger man. Fast forward to 2019, where bisexual attorney Taylor Harding’s open marriage is tested when she and her husband develop feelings for the same woman, Jade. In each era, the theme of infidelity sets off a chain of events that ultimately culminate in a death caused by a woman.

Where To Watch Why Women Kill Online?

Fans of “Why Women Kill” have various streaming options to indulge in this captivating series. As of the last update, the show can be accessed through the following platforms:

  1. Paramount Plus: “Why Women Kill – Season 1” is available for streaming on Paramount Plus, the digital streaming service that offers a vast library of content, including popular TV shows, movies, and original series.
  2. Paramount Plus Apple TV Channel: Subscribers to Apple TV Channels can also watch “Why Women Kill” Season 1 through their Apple TV app, enjoying the convenience of accessing multiple channels within a single platform.
  3. Paramount+ Amazon Channel: For Amazon Prime members, “Why Women Kill – Season 1” can be streamed via the Paramount+ Amazon Channel, providing another convenient option for viewers.
  4. Paramount+ Roku Premium Channel: Roku users can catch “Why Women Kill – Season 1” by subscribing to the Paramount+ Roku Premium Channel.
  5. Showtime Roku Premium Channel: Additionally, “Why Women Kill – Season 1” is available on the Showtime Roku Premium Channel, expanding the options for Roku users.
  6. Showtime Amazon Channel: Amazon Prime members can also access the series through the Showtime Amazon Channel.
  7. Showtime: The series is available directly on Showtime, the premium cable and streaming service.
  8. Spectrum On Demand: Spectrum subscribers can watch “Why Women Kill – Season 1” through the On Demand service.
  9. fuboTV: For viewers with a subscription to fuboTV, “Why Women Kill – Season 1” is available for streaming.

Apart from streaming options, viewers have the choice to purchase and download the series from various digital platforms like Apple TV, Google Play Movies, Vudu, and Amazon Video.


“Why Women Kill” has earned praise for its darkly comedic storytelling, stellar performances, and its exploration of complex themes of infidelity and betrayal. With multiple streaming options available, fans and newcomers alike can easily indulge in this gripping anthology. Whether you choose Paramount Plus, Showtime, or any of the other platforms mentioned, “Why Women Kill” promises an entertaining and suspenseful viewing experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the intriguing world of “Why Women Kill” and discover the chilling stories that unfold within this exceptional series.

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