When it comes to travel plans, Brits are more relaxed that Americans – even when it involves packing


The BRITS are more relaxed than Americans when planning holidays, even when packing.

An American study of nearly 2,000 holidaymakers revealed that 2/3 of Americans admit to packing the night before leaving, while only half of Brits do.

Brits were found to be more laid back about planning getaways and more likely to go abroad rather than holiday domestically


Brits are more relaxed about planning vacations and more inclined to travel abroad than they are to holiday in the UK, according to research.Credit: Getty

It was also discovered that US travelers are more likely than other countries to book activities up until four weeks before they arrive at their destination.

Brits tend to be more relaxed when on holiday. Americans take an average of five trips or tours per holiday.

The surprise was that Americans are more likely to travel to higher temperatures than Brits, despite their reputation for seeking the sun in foreign countries.

However, Americans were more content to visit their country, while Brits preferred to see the world, due to the size difference between the two countries.

Unfortunately, things are not all roses for Americans. In fact, couples from the US who travel together abroad were more likely to have arguments than their counterparts in the UK.

Both holidaymakers think their countries are the best at preparing for holidays.

Americans were actually more likely than others to describe themselves as “Americans.” “spontaneous”Book getaways.

However, the data shows that holiday preparation takes on average 14 hours in the US as compared to 11.5 hours in Britain.

Jon Owen, CEO at Go City (the company which commissioned the research), said that these results provide interesting insights into travel patterns.

“Travellers are needing to become advance planners in order to get the access and experiences they expect on their city break.

“We may see the number of hours spent planning continue to rise as demand is so high.”


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