WhatsApp is it considered social media?


Whatsapp has been the most popular way to stay connected with family and friends, as well as communicate with colleagues.

Is this social media? Here are the facts.

WhatsApp social media:

WhatsApp is almost a necessity in our professional and personal lives.

Everyone seems to be using it. It uses end-to–end encryption which makes it very secure to chat with your friends.

It could be called a social platform. It’s up for debate.

Some believe it’s social media as it supports many of its features, including creating a profile and sharing photos and videos.

Social media doesn't have a clear definition, which leads to debate as to which sites and apps could be called social platforms


Social media isn’t defined clearly, leading to discussion about which apps and sites could be considered social platforms.Credit: Alamy

Others will argue that messaging apps and social media apps are different in that the former broadcast to the entire world while the latter are used primarily for communication with a single person or small group.

What is social media?

Social media has no clear definition. This leads to debate about what sites and apps might be called social media platforms.

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According to the Cambridge Dictionary, it is defined as follows: “websites and computer programs that allow people to communicate and share information on the internet using a computer or mobile phone”.

Social media, in general, refers to social media platforms that allow users to create a public profile, share content with followers, and interact directly with others.

Which social media platforms do you use?

Social media is usually referred to online as giants of the industry, which many of us use every day.

They include:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • TikTok

However, there are many more, including Pinterest and Snapchat as well as professional networks LinkedIn and LinkedIn.


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