What’s the proper name for a hippie? This dad joke is sure to make you laugh out loud


What's the proper name for a hippie? This dad joke is sure to make you laugh out loud

If you’ve ever seriously wondered – “What do you call a hippie’s wife” we have the answer for the dad joke right here for you. It might make you laugh.

In addition to the daily negative news, you will also find memes and father jokes on the Internet. All social media sites have these jokes. On Twitter, TikTok and Instagram you’ll find many users cracking jokes with each other. If you are an avid internet user, you might have come across the “What do you call hippies wife” joke. You will be hysterical with laughter when you find out the answer.

What do you call a hippie’s wife?

Wondering – “What do you call a hippie’s wife?,” See the answer below.

If you don’t get the dad joke, it basically creates humor by using phonetics and pronunciation of the word Mississippi to convey the answer Missus Hippie. Given the wife is also called the missus, and the “ssippi” part rhymes with the word hippie, the state’s name becomes the perfect joke answer to this question.

Reactions of users to the dad joke

This dad joke is available on all social media platforms. As a result, many people have shared their opinions about this hilarious response.

“And their daughter turned out to be a Missouriable b*tch,” one Reddit user hilariously continued the joke.

“Actually.. That’s not bad,” a Twitter user expressed.

“Not seen the word hippie for while,” a third person weighed in.

“Just heard that I’m dead,” one user reacted about being humored by the joke.

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