What This Moon Knight Character Could Mean for The Show’s Future


After portraying multiple characters throughout the show—each with their own distinct accents and mannerisms—Oscar Isaac told the outlet that he “let instinct guide” him when it came to Jake. He gave Jake personal touches too, including having him speak solely in Spanish and hum a Guatemalan hymn. (Isaac was born in Guatemala City, Guatemala.)

“I saw an opportunity to bring something of myself to it that’s not just trying to pay service to some idea that was in the comics,” he shared. “The thought of, ‘He’s just going to have the one line that he speaks, it should be in Spanish.'”

He also noted that it was especially exciting to tap into the darker side of Jake and his potential in the future too.

“There’s something that’s ominous about him, the kind of control that he has versus, you know, both Marc and Steven that have been so off foot,” he explained. “It just feels like it was just a really fun chance to let the instinct of, after having played these two guys, imagining what else could be in there and the excitement of shooting that scene.”

Fingers crossed that we’ll get to see more of Marc, Steven and Jake in the future, too!


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