What Keanu Reeves Feels After Being Called out For Still Being Alive by Matthew Perry in His New Book


What Keanu Reeves Feels After Being Called out For Still Being Alive by Matthew Perry in His New Book

Excerpts of Matthew Perry’s new memoirRecent news has been focusing on certain types of people, with some receiving more attention than others. The former FriendsStar used the book as a way to talk about his experiences in the entertainment business and also to share his thoughts with the public. He was open about his addiction struggles. However, what really seem to have caught the public’s attention are the digs aimed at fellow actor Keanu Reeves for still being alive. Perry issued an apology. for firing shots and, now, a new report has provided alleged details on Reeves’ feelings.

The book is called Friends, Lovers, And The Big Terrible ThingMatthew Perry referred to the MatrixWhile discussing the death of Heath Ledger, River Phoenix was a star. Perry asked Perry how they were able to be so great while discussing these two performers. “original thinkers”Like them, die and “Keanu Reeves still walks among us.”Perry said the same thing while reflecting upon the death of Chris Farley in another section.

How does the critic at the receiving end feel about this criticism? According to Us WeeklyThe comments made in this text took the actor, aged 58, by surprise.

Keanu believed the comments were outlandish. It’s kind of backfired on Matthew anyway, which is why he had to apologize.

It would be fair to say that the sentiments haven’t been well received. Many people on social media rallied behind Keanu Reeves after they appeared online. Fans also wondered why Keanu Reeves was being attacked. 17An alum would call out the action star this way. In his apology, the star stated that he’s “actually a big fan” of Reeves and that he should’ve chosen “a random name.”

Matthew Perry’s new book contains more than just a few big claims. Some of these claims involve other famous celebrities. For example, He remembered partying with Bruce WillisYears ago, Julia Roberts’ ex-girlfriend convincingly to appear Friends. He also claimed that he had sex with Valerie Bertinelli when she was still married. The actress responded to this accusation later with a funny quip TikTok video. It would appear that it is not only that but also that. Perry offended other peopleThrough his words. Medical professionals took issue with the actor’s comments on his ostomy surgery, a life-saving procedure that helps to remove waste from the body.

In terms of the comments directed towards Keanu Reeves, it’s likely that the actor won’t formally speak out on the matter. Reeves has proven to be somewhat reclusive unless he’s actively promoting a movie, and he’s mostly managed to stay out of drama. If anything, one would hope that he and Matthew Perry can talk privately about what’s gone down.

Friends, Lovers, And The Big Terrible ThingAvailable in bookstores now, as well as online.


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