What is TikTok grief bait?

While TikTok is a means of communicating with others during the pandemic it also shows how desperate some people can be for likes.

After posting what many call “Nurse 101”, a nurse discovered this the hard way. “grief bait.”

What is TikTok grief bait?

A person uses a sad story to make it about them.

A viral video may show a nurse grieving the loss a patient.

She cries, takes off her mask, and flexes to relieve the pain. But she also checks that she is still in the frame.

Is her grief real?

Although we don’t know the answer, everyone on TikTok or Twitter seems to have an opinion.

What is grief bait and GriefTok different?

Generally, yes. Consider #GriefTokThis section is a section on TikTok that allows people to post tributes to loved ones and receive comfort in return.

It is more personal than griefbait, which could be anything that seeks strangers’ sympathy.

The nurse @olivia_tye0225 certainly appears upset but her grief seems more like clickbait. This is because her loss of a loved one made it easy for users to follow and like her videos.

The video of the nurse has been deleted by TikTok but is still being shared on Twitter. People have lots to say about it.

What does the video’s comments say about the nurse’s grief-bait video?

Twitter user @ateenyalienThe original video was posted, and is now set to the song. “Unstoppable”SIA.

Then, she commented below it, saying: “””Aw man can’t Believe My Patient Died Let me Go Make a Tiktok Rq,” which is the vibe of this video.

User @ChirpygeezerThen, he replied, ” “This is a new level of weird. Grief is spontaneous & personal. This theatre is egotism off the scale. Or maybe it’s just an audition.”

But, Twitter users also came to the nurses’ side. @NYCtoCINCY saying, “Dude, they can do whatever the f**k they need to feel better or more engaged. Why judge them?”

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