What Is The One Thing That Could Stop Donald Trump From Running For President In 2024?


What Is The One Thing That Could Stop Donald Trump From Running For President In 2024?

According to theNew York Post, “a bad call from a doctor” is the one thing that could keep former President Donald Trump from running for president in 2024. The New York Post reported on a Trump interview with David Brody of Real America’s Voice network. In the radio interview, Brody asked Trump if there was a reason not to run again. Trump replied, “Well, I guess a bad call from a doctor or something, right? I will say, that happens with people.”

Trump continued to answer Brody’s question, saying, “So things happen, through God, they happen. But you know, I feel so good, and I hate what’s happening to our country.” Trump is certainly acting like he’s running again; he criticizes President Joe Biden frequently and often weighs in on political issues, even after leaving the White House.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on Trump’s September 25 rally in Georgia; the former leader’s speech continued his “greatest hits,” including attacking the 2020 election. “This is all about a rigged election. None of these disasters ever should have been allowed to happen,” the former president said, via the outlet. The Atlanta outlet reported that the former leader also talked about the supposed “Russia hoax” and his former rival Hillary Clinton, with the Georgia crowd chanting “Lock her up!” at one point.

Trump hasn’t officially announced that he’s running for president in 2024, but he’s not denying the speculation, either.


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