What is the Omicron version?


The World Health Association warns against new Coronavirus variants that could be introduced to the United States, as the Coronavirus pandemic continues.

According to some reports, it could have more mutations than the Delta version and could prove fatal.

Omicron is the latest Covid-19 variant


Omicron, the latest Covid-19 variation

What is the Omicron version?

Many are concerned about the Omicron (B.1.1.529) Covid-19 variant.

WHO reported the new strain for the first time on November 24, 2021 after it was discovered in South Africa. “variant of concern,”And that’s the best evidence! “suggests an increased risk of reinfection.”

Friday’s assessment by experts was not conclusive. However, it remains to be determined how fatal it really is.

The new strain reportedly has a high number of mutations in the virus’ spike protein.

It is currently believed to be in five other countries, after Belgium discovered its first case of the disease on November 26, when it was reported by an unvaccinated individual returning from overseas. This marked the first European case.

What did Joe Biden say about Omicron

According to The White House, this new variant has resulted in travel restrictions from the United States from South Africa as well as Botswana and Zimbabwe, Lesotho (Eswatini), Mozambique and Malawi.

The statement was released by President Joe Biden: “The policy was implemented out of an abundance of caution in light of a new COVID-19 variant circulating in Southern Africa.”

Adding, “…Our scientists and public health officials are working quickly to learn more about this variant.”

Travel restrictions are not applicable to American permanent residents and citizens.

Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson are conducting tests to see how effective their vaccines are


Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson are conducting tests to see how effective their vaccines areCredit: AFP

Do current vaccines protect against Omicron?

As of November 2021, there are three types of Covid-19 vaccines approved by the Food and Drug Administration including Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and Pfizer.

It is not yet clear if these vaccines are effective against the new variant. However, it is encouraged that those who are eligible get the booster and jab.

Pfizer announced that they were testing their vaccine against the strain, but may also develop a new one. “approximately 100 days,”After approval of the government.

Moderna also conducted tests to assess the effectiveness of their Omicron vaccine.

“From the beginning, we have said that as we seek to defeat the pandemic, it is imperative that we are proactive as the virus evolves,” Moderna’s Chief Executive Officer Stéphane Bancel, said, according to Business Wire.

“The mutations in the Omicron variant are concerning and for several days, we have been moving as fast as possible to execute our strategy to address this variant,” Bancel continued.

“We have three lines of defense that we are advancing in parallel: we have already evaluated a higher dose booster of mRNA-1273 (100 µg), second, we are already studying two multi-valent booster candidates in the clinic that were designed to anticipate mutations such as those that have emerged in the Omicron variant and data is expected in the coming weeks, and third, we are rapidly advancing a Omicron-specific booster candidate (mRNA-1273.529).”

Johnson & Johnson is also conducting testing and monitoring the new vaccine closely.

Belgium detects the first new variant of coronavirus in Europe

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