What is CleanTok on TikTok?


TIKTOK is a popular social media app because it has fun videos for everyone, including viewers that have a love of cleaning.

CleanTok is a corner of the internet that is dedicated to the deep cleaners and those who want to be them.

A TikTok user shares a cleaning hack with CleanTok


A TikTok user shares a cleaning hack with CleanTokCredit: tiktok.com/@theamateurcleaner

What is CleanTok on TikTok?

CleanTok is a phrase that users search in order to find a list of videos for deep cleaning inspiration, tips, and before-and-after clips.

The hashtag #CleanTok has 38.6billion views by itself.

If you need to know how or what products to clean a specific room or surface, look no further.

If you need ideas for the best ways to fold your shirts, you’re in the right place.

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I'm a cleaning expert – the surprising product you need for everything

Many users discuss how satisfying it is to watch and hear how other people clean, whether it moves them to clean their own houses or not.

What makes CleanTok so addictive?

Many studies have concluded similar responses: our bodies appreciate clean, organized spaces, and our brains react better to them than messes.

In fact, one study from the National Library of Medicine showed that the more clutter in someone’s line of sight, the more likely they are to be stressed out.

This means that by decluttering and cleaning, especially in areas where that are meant for relaxation or work, people can actually cut down on their perceived tasks, which is shown to help with rest and focus.


CleanTok provides a simple way for viewers to get decluttering inspiration.

How do I apply CleanTok tips to my life?

The easiest way is to start a query for the term CleanTok in your search bar.

Unless you already have an area in mind that you are ready to clean, it can be fun to scroll and click on videos about different cleaning tactics.

A TikTok user shares tips for cleaning like a pro


A TikTok user shares tips for cleaning like a proCredit: TikTok

The underlying theme behind CleanTok is that cleaning can be fun, as well as super satisfying.

If you’re in a cleaning mood, there are tons of brightly colored cleaning supplies to find there for various purposes, as well as tons of videos of different cleaning hacks.

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