What has the COVID-19 case rate in children really increased?


What has the COVID-19 case rate in children really increased?

The exact reason for the increase in COVID-19-related cases in children was not stated in the report. However, the report showed that the cases for adults tend to rise and fall as well. CNN). A rising number of cases may be caused by vaccine hesitancy in parents. Many parents rush to get their children vaccinated against COVID-19 now that they are eligible for the vaccine. Some parents are still hesitant.

A poll by the Kaiser Family FoundationTwo-thirds of parents are willing to wait to see how the vaccine works or refuse to vaccinate their children. Experts consider this a mistake. “COVID-19 is a childhood illness,”Dr. Paul Offit wrote in and Dr. Jeffrey Gerber also wrote in Science. “Although it is true that most children experience asymptomatic or mild disease, some will get quite sick, and a small number will die. It’s why children are vaccinated against influenza, meningitis, chickenpox, and hepatitis — none of which, even before vaccines were available, killed as many as SARS-CoV-2 per year.”


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