What Future Plans Does Prince Charles Have That The Queen Is Not Excited About?


What Future Plans Does Prince Charles Have That The Queen Is Not Excited About?

According to Page Six, Queen Elizabeth II isn’t thrilled Prince Charles wants to turn Buckingham Palace into a museum. Buckingham Palace was opened to the public in 1993 by the queen. But only certain areas of the palace, which has 775 rooms, are accessible to the public. A royal source told The Mirror, “She’s not very keen on that particular idea and believes of course, that it should remain a family home of sorts.”

Apparently, the queen doesn’t want to turn her home where she raised her family into a museum. The royal insider told The Mirror that Charles’ latest plan will “not be happening any time soon.” Page Six reported that Buckingham Palace hadn’t been restored since World War II, and there is currently a $500 million renovation in the works. Charles may be trying to raise funds for the renovation through his museum plan.

Charles may be trying to avoid making any plans that might upset his mom since his mother has just lost her husband, who she had for over 70 years. It’s no wonder that Nicki Swift readers voted Charles as their least favorite member of the royal family.


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