What does the Three of Wands card from the Tarot mean?


THE Three of Wands tarot generally represents opportunity and a smooth mission toward future goals.

There are two meanings to the card: one is upright, and one is reversed.

The Three of Wands is about your goals and your path to achieving them


The Three of Wands is about your goals and your path to achieving themCredit: Getty images

What does the upright Three of Wands card mean?

The Three of Wands card, which is upright in the tarot, indicates that you are open to new opportunities while maintaining stability.

You may find that even though you have all the power, you need to take a trip to find what you are looking.

Love meaning

The upright Three of Wands encourages you to explore your love life and put in the necessary work to ensure a healthy relationship.

It is recommended that you create a solid foundation for a new relationship.

Set goals together and work towards achieving them together, if you are in a relationship. The Three of Wands could also encourage you to travel together.

Singles are encouraged to travel by the tarot, since new places can spark romance.

Career meaning

The Three of Wands might be pushing you to make a bold move. This could mean traveling for work.

This could open up new career opportunities.

Finances meaning

The upright Three of Wands indicates that your relationship to money may be expanding or improving, as your hard work is paying off.

You are encouraged to reward yourself by the tarot. You might consider taking a longer vacation.

Three of Wands card from the Magic Gate deck


Three of Wands card from the Magic Gate deckCredit: Getty images

What does the reverse Three of Wands card mean?

The reversed Three of Wands card in the Tarot shows that you may face obstacles to achieving your goals, even though you set out to achieve them.

This card encourages you to take the time to plan your life and to be open to new opportunities.

Love meaning

The reversed Three of Wands calls on you to evaluate your relationship. Before you can make progress in your relationship, you need to solve any problems you might be facing.

Career meaning

This reading might indicate that you are rejecting opportunities that are presented to you. You might also feel frustrated at the fact that your career is stagnant.

Accept new challenges that will enable you to advance in your career.

Finances meaning

The reversed Three of Wands may not necessarily indicate that you are struggling with money, but you are not meeting your financial goals.

You can avoid a financial crisis by being more organized. Be careful.

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