Vitamin that could help prevent the deadly disease


A VITAMIN found in dozens of foods may be protective against Alzheimer’s, scientists say.

There is no cure for this progressive-decreasing disease that is detected in hundreds of thousands of Brits every year.

Vitamin B12 is found in animal produce, like beef


Vitamin B12 is present in animal products like beef.Credit: Alamy

However, a University of Delaware team led by Jessica Tanis has new clues as to how to stop it.

They used worms for their research, which become completely paralysed when they have Alzheimer’s.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia. It is believed that proteins build up around brain cells.

Amyloid, one of the proteins involved in this process, forms plaques around brain cell membranes and damages memory.

Professor Tanis and his team discovered that these proteins prevent worms wriggling after 36 hours.

They used this to work out what changes in the worm’s diet could halt the onset of Alzheimer’s, finding a key vitamin was protective.

While worms are clearly a far stretch from humans, they are useful for Alzheimer’s research.

Prof Tanis stated that: “The worms we use all have exactly the same genetic background, they react to amyloid beta like humans do, and we can exactly control what they eat, so we can really get down to the molecular mechanisms at work.”

The research team found that E.coli was the best choice for all worms, but one strain of E.coli contained more vitamin B12 than others. This was after years of investigation.

Prof Tanis said: “When we gave vitamin B12 to the worms that were vitamin B12 deficient, paralysis occurred much more slowly, which immediately told us that B12 was beneficial.

“The worms with B12 also had higher energy levels and lower oxidative stress in their cells.”

According to the study, adding the vitamin to the diet didn’t work if the animals are deficient in it. Cell Reports, found.

The worms’ amyloid levels were not affected by B12, which suggests that it may be neutralizing their effects.

Prof Tanis said: “We’ve essentially identified this molecular pathway and we’re looking to see what else it activates.

“Can B12 be protective for multiple neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS and Parkinson’s? We’re looking into it.

“Right now, there is no effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.

“There are certain factors that you cannot change – you cannot change the fact that you age, and you cannot change a genetic predisposition to Alzheimer’s disease.

“But one thing you can control is what you eat. It would be amazing if people could alter their diets to prevent the onset and progression of diseases.

“That’s something my lab is excited to continue to explore.”

B12 is only available in food form, mainly from animals such as milk products, eggs and meat.

You can find B12-rich foods in beef, sardines and animal livers as well as salmon, yoghurt, and fish.

Vegans and non-meat eaters are at greatest risk for B12 deficiency or acquired anaemia. They can take B12 supplements or fortified foods.

It’s already known that vitamin B12 can lead to complications such as problems with the nervous system, temporary infertility, heart conditions and pregnancy problems, the NHS says.

Researchers have even suggested that Marmite, which is a rich source of B12, may help prevent dementia.

Dr James Connell, Head of Translational Science at Alzheimer’s Research UK, who was not involved in the research, said extensive research has been carried out into whether vitamin B12 without a pre-existing vitamin deficiency can protect against Alzheimer’s disease.

Studies have so far suggested that “vitamin B12 supplements do not offer extra protection”He said.

Dr James shared Science Focus: “While research in worms can support wider efforts to identify causes of disease and new treatments, clinical trials in people are the only way to find out if potential new approaches will improve people’s symptoms.

“The human brain is incredible, with more connections in it, known as synapses, than astronomers have estimated there are stars in the galaxy.

“Research like this in worms helps understand the impact of a potential treatment and can help accelerate the development of drugs.”

Regardless of whether B12 can or can’t prevent Alzheimer’s in humans, it remains an important part of a healthy diet.

Experts say one of the only ways that you can help to offset Alzheimer’s is to eat healthily, as well as exercise, stop smoking, keep alcohol to a minimum and have diabetes and blood pressure controlled.

Too much salt can cause a buildup of toxic clumps in your brain, which can be linked to dementia.

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