Veteran who fought in Dunkirk rearguard defense celebrates his 104th birthday

He is the oldest Royal Scots veteran, having fought in rearguard defense during the Dunkirk evacuations.

Major John Errington was from Shrewsbury in Shropshire and fought in the battle of Le Paradis (Northern France) in May 1940.

The 1st Battalion The Royal Scots was reduced to 400 men by less than two weeks of action. They prepared for their final stand at Le Paradis (30 miles from Dunkirk, north-east France) on May 25, that year.

Regimental historians stated that their defense action delayed the German advance and allowed thousands of British troops to reach Dunkirk’s beaches.

Wartime pictureJohn Errington (left), 1941, during his time as a prisoner-of-war (The Royal Scots/PA).

Major Errington was captured eventually and held prisoner of war for five years.

On Friday, he will celebrate his birthday with his family.

Brigadier George Lowder was chairman of The Royal Scots Regimental Trustees. “John Errington has been a very loyal member of our regiment and has shown exemplary service, especially during the Second World War.

“On behalf of the regiment, we send our warmest congratulations on this special birthday, his 104th.”

The regiment said that the 1st Battalion The Royal Scots’ orders, to “Stand And Fight To The Last Man”, played a crucial role in enabling the evacuation of 337,000 Allied Forces off the beaches of Dunkirk.

John erringtonJohn Errington and Brenda Errington on their wedding day (Errington Family/PA).

However, this three-day rearguard defence against overwhelming odds led to the Battalion’s destruction.

Brigadier Lowder stated: “Their fighting spirit was undaunted, although they had been in continuous action for 17 days delaying the German advance over 200 miles and had suffered heavy casualties. Their contribution to Dunkirk was vital.

“We should never forget that the vast majority of those who survived the last stand at Le Paradis spent the next five years as prisoners of war.”

Major Errington served with the Battalion’s French liaison officer, Captain Michel Martell, a family member of the Martell Cognac Company.

He recently received a special bottle of cognac from Captain Martell’s grandson, Thierry Firino-Martell, who sent the gift to celebrate the veteran’s enduring comradeship and bravery.

In 2006, The Royal Regiment of Scotland was formed from its predecessor Scottish Infantry Regiments and after 373 years of unbroken service The Royal Scots left the British Army’s order of battle.

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