Unveiling the Top 3 Techniques Thieves Use to Target Vacationers – Don’t Fall Victim!


Discover the 3 Main Ways Pickpockets Target Tourists

A study carried out by travel insurance comparison site Quotezone revealed Italy to have the highest number of pickpocketing reports in online reviews, with 463 mentions for every one million reviews. The hotspots were found to be the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, and the Pantheon in Rome.

Watch Out for Underhand Tactics

France was second with 283 per million, and the Netherlands was third with 143 mentions per million. The worrying news is that everyone is a potential victim, according to Thompson. Although he added that they tend to target high-profile individuals, pickpockets tend to operate in busy tourist areas when attention wavers or when someone leaves their valuables unguarded.

Stay Alert in Common Tourist Spots

Pickpockets target people who seem distracted or vulnerable regardless of status. It’s essential to avoid wearing expensive jewelry, flashy designer accessories, or carrying around designer shopping bags. They tend to operate in busy tourist areas, shops, and markets, as well as busy transport hubs, either working alone or in groups.

The Art of Distraction

Shops can be a favorite place for pickpockets to operate, as people are standing still, making them easier targets. The Metropolitan Police recommends not to be easily distracted by games or loud shouts created as a diversion by pickpockets with unseen accomplices.

Beware of Friendly Strangers

It’s crucial to be wary of “friendly strangers” who may cause sudden commotions to divert attention. Thompson advises staying focused and assertive, especially in crowded areas, where pickpockets are most active. The Met also warns about “hugger muggers,” who are extremely light-fingered and skilled at pickpocketing within seconds.

Minimize the Risk

To reduce the chances of being targeted, Thompson recommends leaving valuables in the hotel safe and avoiding carrying bulky items or too much cash. It’s also advisable to wear a money belt or front-pocket wallet for extra protection. While staying vigilant at all times, changing direction, or entering a nearby building for safety if targeted or followed is a smart move.

Responding to Suspicious Activity

In case of targeted or followed, report suspicious behaviors to authorities immediately and take steps to safeguard belongings, like informing the bank if cards are stolen. Personal safety should be prioritized over belongings, and confrontations should be defused whenever possible. While pickpockets generally avoid confrontations, there is a slight possibility of escalation if they feel threatened.


Thompson emphasizes the importance of awareness and proactive measures to avoid falling victim to pickpockets while on holiday. By staying alert, informed, and taking necessary precautions, tourists can significantly reduce the risk of theft and enjoy a worry-free travel experience.


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