Unlock the Secrets of NASA’s ‘Wheel of Death’ Plans for Moon Astronauts and Secure the Future of Off-Earth Survival


Astronauts to Use “Wheel of Death” for Fitness on the Moon
Plans have been unveiled for Moon astronauts to keep fit by using a “wheel of death” which will be key to long-term survival while not on Earth.

New Exercise Regimen for Astronauts on the Moon
PLANS have been unveiled for Moon astronauts to keep fit by using a “wheel of death” which will be key to long-term survival while not on Earth. The human body experiences dramatic changes when in a low-gravity environment. Muscles atrophy, bones lose mass, and control over your body declines.

Deciphering the Effects of Low-Gravity Environment on Astronauts
The human body experiences dramatic changes when in a low-gravity environment. Muscles atrophy, bones lose mass, and control over your body declines. Researchers at the University of Milan have now devised a new form of exercise to keep future moonwalkers in shape.

Wheel of Death: A Novel Exercise Method for Moonwalkers
It involves running along the inside of a Wheel of Death, commonly seen in circuses and theme parks. A Wheel of Death usually consists of a large ring laid on its side. A participant has to keep their speed up and they run along the inside of the wheel quickly enough to avoid the gravitational pull and falling off the wheel.

Testing the Feasibility of the Wheel of Death Exercise on the Moon
The researchers in Milan tested this out to see if it actually was possible. They rented a Wheel of Death measuring 30.8 feet across and had two humans run along inside while they were supported by bungee cords from above to simulate gravity conditions on the Moon.

Revolutionizing Space Exercise: Running on the Moon’s Wheel of Death
After just five to eight attempts, both participants were able to ascend the Wheel and run along the inside and also descend back down to the ground. When the researchers analyzed the runners’ speeds, stride length, and the force of their feet hitting the ground, they determined the runners were experiencing conditions not unlike running on Earth.

Astronaut Fitness Regimen for Optimal Health on the Moon
Following those results, the authors of the research believe astronauts doing a few laps around a Wheel on the Moon every day could be just what is needed to prevent the body’s degeneration. Alberto Minetti, professor of physiology at the University of Milan, said: “I’m amazed that nobody had the idea before. This could be a convenient way to train on the moon.”

Future of Space Travel: Fitness and Health Considerations
A human has not stepped foot on the Moon since the end of the Apollo program in 1972. Nasa’s Artemis astronauts are due to fly around the moon next year with a follow-up mission to the surface expected in 2026.

Innovating Space Fitness: Alternative Approaches to Exercise on the Moon
While Nick Caplan, professor of aerospace medicine and rehabilitation at Northumbria University, Newcastle, called the proposal “novel” he did question if early lunar habitats would be big enough to accommodate such a running track.

Optimizing Health in Space: New Exercise Methods
Prof Caplan and his colleagues are currently working on new approaches to exercise in space and the Moon, including inflatable cuffs to compress limbs and restrict blood flow.


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