Unlock the Secrets: New 100ml Rule Changes for Liquid on Planes – US Sun Explained!


Liquid Restrictions Guide: Everything You Need to Know Before Boarding a Plane

Flying can be an exciting experience, but it’s important to know what you can and can’t take on a flight when going on your travels. From essential items to luxury goods, you need to be aware of the rules and regulations when it comes to packing liquids. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate through the liquid restrictions on flights so you can travel hassle-free.

How Much Liquid Can You Take on a Plane?

Frequent flyers are well aware of the restrictions on what items you can take in your hand luggage and hold luggage when boarding a plane in the UK – and this includes liquids. The government website states that there are limitations on the amount of liquids you can carry in your hand luggage. To avoid any inconvenience, passengers are advised to pack liquids in hold luggage if possible. If you choose to bring liquids in your cabin bag, containers must not exceed 100ml. However, some airports have exceptions for liquids used for medical purposes or special dietary requirements, as well as liquids containing baby milk or baby food.

The 100ml Liquid Rule: Is It Still in Effect?

Certain UK airports have done away with the 100ml rule, relieving some passengers of the stress of adhering to this restriction. With the introduction of new 3D scanners, travelers may no longer need to remove liquids and laptops from their bags during airport security checks. While major airports like Heathrow, Gatwick, and Stansted were given until 2024 to invest in this technology, delays in implementation may push the deadline to 2025 due to installation challenges.

Which UK Airports Have Lifted or Are Lifting the 100ml Liquid Rule?

London City Airport is among the hubs where travelers no longer need to remove toiletries or laptops from their luggage. Birmingham airport aims to eliminate liquid rules by June 2024, becoming one of the largest airports in the UK to adopt the new technology. Other airports like Luton and Bristol are also working towards implementing this change, with Bristol investing over £10 million in upgraded security equipment.

European Airports Leading the Way in Liquid Rule Changes

Several European airports are ahead of the curve in scrapping the 100ml liquid rule. Airports like Amsterdam’s Schiphol, Rome Fiumicino, and Madrid Barajas are among those making the change in 2024. While airports like Malaga Costa del Sol are planning to have the new technology operational by 2025, others are still in the trial phase.

Handling Liquids at Security Checkpoints in 2024

As of 2024, bottles of liquid must be in a single, transparent, resealable plastic bag, holding no more than a liter and measuring around 20cm x 20cm. Liquids purchased at airports or on planes, such as duty-free products, are permissible if sealed in security bags with visible receipts.

Traveling with Baby Milk and Other Exceptions

Baby milk is an exception to the 100ml restriction. When traveling with a baby, you can carry enough baby food, milk, and sterilized water for the journey. Containers of breast milk should not exceed 2,000ml and can be transported in hand luggage, even without a baby present. However, frozen breast milk is not allowed in hand luggage, and certain rules apply for carrying other liquids for children.

With these insights, you can now pack your liquids with ease and breeze through airport security without any hiccups. Safe travels!


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