Unlock the Best Days to Book Flights and Discover Why Last-Minute Travel Isn’t Always Cheapest


Best Days to Book Flights Revealed – Expert Tips for Saving Money

Expert Tips for Booking Cheap Flights

Gavin Lapidus, travel agent and director of multi-centre holiday specialists eShores, has shared valuable insight on the best days to book your flights and save money. Here are some expert tips to help you maximize your savings when booking flights:

Monday to Wednesday – The Ideal Time to Fly

According to Lapidus, Monday to Wednesday is the best time of the week to board a cheap flight. These days typically offer lower fares compared to the weekends or busy travel days.

Flexibility is Key – Check Departure Days

If you’re flexible with your travel dates, always double-check departure days as flying a day sooner or later could save you up to 20%. Being open to adjusting your departure date can lead to substantial savings.

Buy Luggage at the Right Time

Luggage prices can fluctuate, so it’s essential to buy luggage at the right time. For example, Ryanair offers the option to purchase a priority ticket that includes a cabin bag and a 10kg luggage at varying prices based on timing and demand.

Strategic Annual Leave Planning

By aligning your annual leave with bank holidays, you can make the most of your time off. For instance, booking the Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday after the May bank holiday can give you a week off work by utilizing only four holiday days.

Book in Advance for Maximum Savings

Lapidus suggests booking your flights as far in advance as possible to secure the best deals. Prices tend to increase as the travel date approaches due to high demand, especially for peak seasons like Christmas.

Key Travel Hacks for Saving Money

  1. Time to Fly: Utilize flight comparison sites to find the cheapest deals and book tickets early, especially for peak periods like summer holidays.
  2. Flexible Wins: Stay open to different destinations and travel dates to find the best deals. Flying midweek is usually more affordable than weekends.

  3. Package Up: Consider opting for all-inclusive deals to save money compared to booking flights and hotels separately. Conduct thorough research to find the best option for your destination.

By implementing these expert tips and travel hacks, you can enjoy significant savings on your flights and make the most of your holiday budget. Start planning smart and unlock the best deals for your next travel adventure.


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