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3 Body Problem Review: Existential Dread Never Looked This Good

A Faster and More Intense Adaptation

On the surface, “3 Body Problem” may appear to be a daunting novel to translate into a visual medium. The intricate and intellectually stimulating nature of the story could easily deter viewers. The initial episode may seem like a slow build-up as it introduces the key characters and the high stakes involved. At first, you might question whether investing emotionally in the series is worth the effort. However, this initial hesitation swiftly dissipates as the narrative swiftly accelerates into a gripping tale. The infusion of dramatic tension as the enigmatic science fiction elements of the plot unfold contributes to this rapid pace.

Delving into existential musings, “3 Body Problem” presents a thought-provoking exploration of the Fermi paradox and humanity’s place in the vast cosmos. Yet, the true challenge lies in translating these philosophical ponderings into compelling drama, a task at which “3 Body Problem” excels. The ensemble cast, featuring familiar faces from “Game of Thrones” such as John Bradley and Liam Cunningham, alongside esteemed British actors Benedict Wong, Alex Sharp, and Jonathan Pryce, delivers stellar performances. Particularly, Zine Tseng’s portrayal of Ye Wenjie, who is predominantly isolated in the past, lays a solid narrative foundation that pays off handsomely as the story unfolds.

Crafting a Sleek Aesthetic

In contrast to many Netflix productions characterized by an overreliance on CGI, “3 Body Problem” showcases a sleek aesthetic, especially in scenes where characters delve into a virtual reality realm unexpectedly thrust upon them. These sequences stand out as some of the most captivating moments in the entire series, offering a tangible representation of an otherwise abstract thought experiment. Despite the knowledge that these events transpire within a virtual landscape, they manage to evoke genuine stakes and suspense.

Despite the criticisms leveled at David Benioff and D.B. Weiss for their handling of the later seasons of “Game of Thrones,” their collaboration with co-creator Alexander Woo, renowned for his work on “True Blood” and various television series, proves triumphant once more with “3 Body Problem.” This adaptation of a complex science fiction opus not only captures the essence of humanity but also infuses existential dread into its analytical core.

“3 Body Problem” debuts on Netflix on March 21.


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