A passenger started yelling on a Frontier Airlines flight when he was taped to his seat for weird behavior. The passenger was duct-taped to his own seat by the airline’s attendant and he was also alleged to have assaulted the airline staff.

Reportedly, the passenger has been indulging in extremely unruly behavior on the flight. His weirdness annoyed the flight attendants, and they took the charge into their hands. At last, United Airlines had to step into the scene to warn the flight attendants of the incident.
United Airlines has passed a reminder to all flight staff to not restrain any passenger with duct tape. The recent video that went viral featuring the flight attendants do the same, compelled the authorities to take strict actions.

In a memo passed on to the inflight crews, John Slater, the senior vice-president of United Airlines has announced a warning. He quoted, “Please remember that there are designated things on the flight that may be used in difficult situations and alternative measures like duct tapes should never be implemented.” He further urges the crew to de-escalate the “complex situations calmly”, including having a discussion with the flight captain, Ground Security Coordinator, or Customer Service Representatives.” Other tools that the crew are free to use are – handcuffs, plastic zip ties, and seat belts.
The strict call of United Airlines strictly follows the several fresh incidents where the crew used tons of materials to restrict the weird behaviors of the passengers. Recently, some flight attendants taped a man to his seat when he intentionally tried to sexually harass an attendant.

Reportedly, this incident took place when a woman attempted to unlock the airplane’s doors on board. United Airlines has utilized duct tape on tons of occasions for the retaliation of the bizarre behavior of the passengers.