About Us

Central Recorder is a modern news website concentrating on categories like entertainment, technology, education, and business. Our motto is to cater to the ever-increasing spectrum of demand for news and information in an era of rapidly evolving technologies, our pursuit of excellence sees us ever innovating, improving, and redesigning our products and services. Our emphasis on rankings and research content is the right path, making us an essential information source.


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Alex Johnson


I am Alex Johnson, a true Californian, UC graduate and PhD in Journalism and Mass communication I am the lead editor here at Central Recorder. I am passionate about delivering quality, informative and unbiased news to people.

Amy Comfi

Lead Writer

Trained as an engineer, turned into a writer. Passion stands above profession!


SEO Expert

I'm a 32-year-old travel enthusiast and nature photographer. Computer Science graduate, and Mass Communication student. Have seen different shades of life through traveling and lived different lives through reading. With every word I write, I travel within and I understand myself better. Writing helps me discover myself and that paved roads for me to choose writing as a profession.

Tom O'Brien

Fact Checker

Tom O'Brien is an investigative journalist and 'Factcheck & quality control' team head. He is a big motivating voice at Central Recorder, inspiring everyone with his high standards of journalistic integrity.