Ukraine’s Fate Hangs in the Balance – Zelensky Urges West to Help Save 31,000 Lives



Volodymyr Zelensky pleads to the West as Ukraine’s death toll hits more than 30,000


The 46-year-old former actor – who has won many admirers thanks to his steely resolve – was candid and frank as he told his Western allies that Ukraine’s victory “depends” upon them.

Deep Impact: The Toll of the War on Ukraine

VOLODYMYR Zelensky made an impassioned plea to the West as he admitted Ukraine has lost more than 30,000 soldiers in its war on Russia. Ukraine’s president was speaking at an event to mark the second anniversary of Vladimir Putin’s invasion – which sparked the biggest war in Europe since World War 2.

Facing the Grim Reality: The Truth Unveiled

Zelensky also for the first time admitted the death toll suffered by his troops – some 31,000. He was directly responding to the claims circulated by Russia that Ukraine had lost hundreds of thousands of men. Kyiv claims Russia has lost vastly more than them, with a sky-high figure of nearly 410,000. It would put the rate of losses between Ukraine and Russia at more than ten to one.

Stalemate in the East: The Current Standoff

Two years since the start of the war, the trench-pitted and mud-streaked fields of Eastern Ukraine are at a near stalemate. But the longer the war goes on, the more important Putin’s vast pool of bodies and resources comes into play. Zelsnky said: “Whether Ukraine will lose, whether it will be very difficult for us and whether there will be a large number of casualties depends on you, on our partners, on the Western world.”

Struggling Amidst Challenges: Seeking Aid and Support

He was speaking at a time when Ukraine has been weakened by a shortage of ammunition and the blocking of US aid in Congress. “There is hope for Congress, and I am sure that it is going to be positive, otherwise I do not understand the world we will start to live in,” Zelensky said. The aid has been blocked amid resistance from Republicans. It comes amid growing fears that the US election in November and Donald Trump’s stance on intervention overseas could make or break for Ukraine. But Zelensky also aimed the EU – claiming Ukraine has received just 30 per cent of the one million artillery shells promised by Brussels.

A Glimpse into the Future: Anticipating Further Struggles

Zelensky also claimed that Ukraine’s highly anticipated counteroffensive last year was stalled by intelligence leaks. He added his military chiefs are preparing “several plans” for a breakthrough year in 2024. And he also predicted that the Russians will likely attempt another large-scale offensive in Ukraine as soon as May.

Looking Ahead: Uphill Battles and Unforeseen Challenges

Putting a number on Ukraine’s military losses in two years of brutal fighting with Russia, Zelensky said: “31,000 Ukrainian soldiers died in this war.” He added: “Not 300,000 or 150,000, or whatever Putin and his lying circle are saying. “But each of these losses is a great loss for us.” Asked if he would talk to Putin, Zelensky said: “Can you talk to a deaf person? Can you talk to a man who kills his opponents?”


Putin had only expected the war to last a few weeks – but has instead found himself bogged down in the biggest European war since World War 2. Russian forces envisioned a march towards Kyiv and to be met with waving flags but instead, they were battled back by the heroic Ukrainians. Putin’s vicious forces tried to pillage their way across the country, killing, and raping civilians – with more than 10,000 dead. And some two years on the war has ground on – with it now being bogged down in the country’s far east. Russian forces occupy less than 20 per cent of Ukraine. The situation however remains fragile – and it is feared Ukraine’s valiant defense could crumble if they lose support in the West.


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