Tom Hanks’ Terminal has Died in Airport: An Immigrant who Inspired Tom Hanks’ “The Terminal”


Tom Hanks' Terminal has Died in Airport: An Immigrant who Inspired Tom Hanks' "The Terminal"

Many memorable roles have been played by Tom Hanks. From Captain Chesley to Hanks “Sully” Sullenberger in Clint Eastwood’s SullyFred Rogers (Who Hanks was actually related to( Beautiful Day in The Neighborhood The actor is more likely to accept parts that are based upon real people. What is it? PerhapsOne of Hanks’s most underrated filmsThis comedy-drama is loosely based upon reality. Terminal. The overlooked Steven Spielberg-directed movie is one you don’t hear many people talking about these days, but it is better than many might think or remember. It is lightly inspired by Mehran Karimi Nasseri (an Iranian man who had lived in Paris’ airport terminals for 18 years). It has been reported that Nasseri died.

According to AP NewsNasseri died after a heart attack at Charles de Gaulle Airport on November 12. He had lived in this airport for almost 20 years. From 1988 to 2006, Nasseri lived in Terminal 1 of the airport out of legal necessity. After being issued with immigration papers which he refused to sign, he moved to Paris and then returned to the airport. He eventually became a celebrity in the area, earning the nickname Lord Alfred from the staff. In 1999, the man spoke out to the outlet that he intended to leave the facility at some point. He stated:

Eventually, I will leave the airport… But I am still waiting for a passport or transit visa.

Hanks is depicted in the film as an Eastern European citizen stuck at an airport after being denied entry into the United States. His country is disintegrated following a military coup. While the plot sounds a little strange, Nasseri’s real story is far more exciting.

Mehran Karimi Nasseri was born 1945 in Soleiman (a region of Iran that was then under British control). After completing his studies in Iran, he returned to Iran and discovered that he had been arrested for protesting against the shah. He was then expelled from Iran without a passport. Nasseri’s life after that was wrapped up in unbelievable bureaucracy and red tape until he found himself living in the Paris airport terminal. He was arrested by French police at one point but could not be deported because he didn’t have the proper legal documentation.

While Terminal feels like a true story, it’s important to note, It isn’t, as in many Tom Hanks movies.. Though loosely inspired by Nasseri’s real-life saga, the only fundamental similarity between Hanks’ portrayal of Viktor Navorski and the real-life man is the fact that they both lived in an airport terminal. That’s where the similarities between the two end. Although the filmmakers claimed to have paid Nasseri for the story, he did not participate, was not credited or appeared in the motion picture.

TerminalIt might not be one of them. Hanks’ greatest films, but it’s still delightful and worth watching simply for the actor’s charming portrayal of Navorski. For those who are curious, you can find out more. Watch this Hanks/Spielberg team-upThis is something you could do. If you are interested in honoring Nasseri, there is some more digging into his legacy.

CinemaBlend wishes to express our deepest sympathy to all survivors, friends, family and anyone whose lives were touched by Mehran Karaimi Nasseri.


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