Tom Cruise in a ‘Secret War’ With Scientology. Shady Source: He’s ‘Leaving’ Controversial Religion


It is Tom CruiseIn a “secret war”Scientology and its mysterious leader David Miscavige as he gives off subtle signals he’s trying to leave the controversial religion behind him? A tabloid reports three signs that may indicate Cruise is no longer as devout a follower of Scientology as he’s previously been. Gossip CopInvestigates the allegations.

Tom Cruise Dropping Hints He’s Leaving Scientology?

“Tom’s Showdown With Scientology”The headline of the latest issue is screaming “Scream!” Life & Style. According to both the outlet and its questionable source, Tom Cruise made a “shocking decision that signals he may be breaking free from the religion.” Cruise had previously served as the church’s most famous and devout member, a source explains.

“For years, Tom has been the A-list star who’s given the church tons of publicity and some credibility,”The source adds: “David considered Tom his right-hand man, even his possible successor.” But that’s not the case any longer.

What went wrong?

Cruise is a rumored insider who has made a number of claims in recent months. “drastically reduced his donations to Scientology,” and that’s just one of the signs of Cruise’s reported “growing disillusionment”With the religion. “Tom hasn’t publicly addressed it yet, but his loyalty to Scientology seemingly has waned,”Without evidence, the source declares what it says before adding. “It’s like he’s having a secret showdown with Miscavige and the church.”

As proof of Cruise’s alleged “180” shift towards Scientology, the insider cites his supposedly diminishing time in LA, which they describe as the religion’s epicenter. Cruise is supposedly starting to change after more than 30 years of being a part of the religion. “frustrated with Scientology’s views on modern medicine,”Insiders add, “The church’s founder, L. Ron Hubbard, was opposed to chemotherapy and radiation.”

Why Cruise Ships Are Supposedly to Leave Now

Although he’d gone along with that particular tenet for decades, the death of his friend and Jerry MaguireKelly Preston, his co-star from the movie “The Killer Angels,” apparently changed his mind last summer. According to a source, Preston was treated for breast cancer before she died. “there was no indication that Tom didn’t support her or John [Travolta],”Who has also been “reportedly distancing himself from the church,”The snitch reports

It would be a shame to lose Cruise. “crushing blow”Scientology tabloid continues with insiders adding. “The church must realize Tom would cause a ripple effect among the celebrity world, and others would follow suit and break free.”

He was allegedly still alive. “deeply upset” by actress Leah Remini’s public break from the church, the insider speculates that Cruise could soon make amends with the former King of Queens star. “This may be the biggest crisis Scientology has faced in years,”The source is grimly concluded.

Something’s Not Adding Up

Strangely, the tabloid attached a brief insert to the article that noted that Cruise purchased a penthouse in Clearwater last summer, which he shares with his son Connor. The luxury accommodations are just a few blocks away from the Scientology FLAG building, which serves as the religion’s Florida headquarters.

However, a source claims that the sources are wrong. “If Tom does decide to leave the church, he’ll have no choice but to move,” it seems unlikely to us that Cruise would purchase a home close to the religion’s HQ if he was considering leaving.

More and more contradictory evidence

It should be noted, however, that the following guidelines are in effect: Cruise’s IMDB pageThe actor has starred in major films at least once per year since 2000. But, this record was broken in 2019 and 2022 due to a very clear reason. Cruise’ latest three films which have yet to be released, Maverick: Top Gun, Mission: Impossible 7?, and Mission: Impossible 8All of these have been delayed by the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic.

These films are either finished, in post-production or still being shot. So, despite all the work he’s done over the past three years, Cruise hasn’t had a return on investment from any theatrical releases, which is significant when it comes to church tithings. If one of Cruise’s major forms of income, his movies, don’t make him money, then obviously there’s less cash to donate to his church. This tabloid clearly just chose the most shocking reason rather than the most logical one.

There’s also a clear reason why Cruise hasn’t spent much time in LA recently. He’s been busy filming both Mission: Impossible 7 Mission: Impossible 8 Over the past two years, Cruise has made London his home base. Scientology has a large European headquarters, so the distance Cruise insists Cruise is creating between himself and his religion doesn’t make sense.

Gossip Cop’s Final Ruling

As for the allegations Tom Cruise has had a change of heart about his religion’s stance on modern medicine, we’d like to see the proof. His lack of statement about Kelly Preston’s cancer treatment is not the same thing as an actual statement. Based on the fact that Cruise still lives within throwing distance of a Scientology HQ, his lack of public complaint about his religion, and this tabloid’s clear bias and history of making up stories about the actor, we feel confident determining this story to be completely false.


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