Tom Brady Is Honest (Also Unrelatable) About The ‘Hardest Part’ Of Raising Kids With Gisele Bündchen


Tom Brady Is Honest (Also Unrelatable) About The 'Hardest Part' Of Raising Kids With Gisele Bündchen

Tom Brady and his model wife Gisele Bündchen have been married for well over a decade now, and seemingly live a pretty charmed life with their kids. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers star can worry about the charmed aspect of their lives when it comes time to raising their children. The NFL star recently was asked if it’s ever difficult to keep his kids “grounded”And he shared it “hardest part”The challenges of raising children when fame and money are involved. It’s a take that’s not relatable for most of us, but it is really honest.

Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen are raising their two children together and Brady has a third child with his ex-Bridget Moynahan, whom Bündchen is the stepmom of. Obviously, however, these kids don’t live an average existence, and it’s very different than what Brady and his wife themselves grew up with. Jim Farly was interviewed on the Drive podcastRecently, the star spoke out about his childhood memories and how things have changed for him.

It’s honestly a great question and it’s probably the hardest thing for us as parents with myself and my wife. My wife grew up in rural Brazil, the furthest state South… very small kind of farming town. Two bedrooms for her parents and one for her five sisters, very simple girl. What do you know? California’s middle class raised me. My dad was a hard worker for our family. My mom stayed home and took care of the kids. I watched my mom work every day to care for us. She would cook every night and wash our clothes.

Cut to now, that’s certainly not the lifestyle he and his family live at all. Brady, 44, is an extremely successful entrepreneur. He has appeared as a guest on Netflix shows. In addition, he is still playing professional football and has a busy travel schedule. His model wife is an author who is passionate about charitable causes. She left IMG in 2021. Their children’s growing up experiences were a bit different from the average family.

I look at my life with my family and it’s so fast. There are people who clean up after us. People make our food. We have people that drive us to the airport if we need that, you know, we get off a plane and there’s people waiting there for us and we get ushered in. That’s my kids’ reality which is the hard part to say, guys, this is not the way reality really is…what can we do about that?

The couple is committed to the development of their children. Back in 2016 when the kids were little, Gisele Bündchen even participated in the documentary The Beginning of Life about how important a child’s first years are to their developmental success later. And Brady and Bündchen are aware of what their kids miss out on as well as the experiences they get to do that most people will never be able to relate to. But how many kids are left on the ground when their dad wins a Super Bowl?

He also noted though, that it’s not like they can just pick up and live a normal life.

It’s hard to make those things up to. I can’t say we’re going to go back and live on Portola Drive in San Mateo. It’s a pretty hard thing to do just for privacy purposes and so forth. So, I don’t know the right answer. I don’t know the right answer as a parent.

Although some readers might be able to hire someone to clean the house, it is not common for everyone to have the notion of others being at your beck and calling and to not have privacy no matter where you go. Mark Wahlberg, among others, has been open about the negatives of fame and how they interact with their children. This doesn’t include weird things that occur in their lives like Tom Brady playing football alongside Kanye West’s child or anything. This is also completely unrelated.

Regardless, he told Jim Farley he hopes he’s doing a good job as a parent, even though he knows he makes mistakes. He hopes his children can see the value in what he does. “a treat”It is meant to make their lives more easy, but not an absolute necessity. I believe his comments can be understood by most parents.


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