Tim Allen Says Jay Leno Is Like ‘Deadpool’ Villain As He Provides Health Update After Garage Burn Accident


Jay Leno sustained burns from an accident with his car. Tim Allen, his friend and comedian, gave an update after Jay was released from hospital.

His new Disney+ film was promoted Santa ClausesAllen appeared on Jimmy Fallon is the host of The Tonight Show Leno was the topic he discussed.

“He’s great. He’s one of those heroes, remember the Deadpool villain who couldn’t feel pain? He’s that guy,” Allen said.

The Home Renovation alum said that his car shop is close to where Leno’s shop is at. Allen called Leno that day and left a message because Leno wasn’t there.

“He calls back five minutes later,” Allen said.

Leno said he’d been in an accident, and that he told Allen. “burned all over” With “third degrees burns in my hands and the face and everything.”

Allen asked Leno about his activities. The former late-night host explained that he was actually holding the phone. “really painful” However, he did not take painkillers.

“He’s just an amazing human being. He just wanted to get out of the hospital and it was one bit after another,” Allen added.

Allen continued, “He said he’s good with the Clooney look and he looks really good considering the graphs he’s got. The picture today, it’s amazing what they can do. The hospital did a great job.”

The video of Allen appearing on The Tonight Show is posted below.


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