TikTokers reveal how to fool Snapchat’s My AI with human-bot interaction.


As skeptical as some are about Snapchat’s My AI and its ability to answer your questions, a few TikTok users are busy finding ways to trick the chatbot.

The Artificial Intelligence feature has creeped many out with its rather cryptic responses, so some Snapchatters have taken it upon themselves to prove the computer couldn’t be smarter than them.

While some are tricking Snapchat‘s feature into choosing between two celebrities, others are trying to get some intriguing details and facts from the bot. If you’re wondering how to trick Snapchat’s My AI, these examples could be of help.

TikTokers show how to trick Snapchat’s My AI

One of the most common tricks used by many users is the “repeat after me” method. You need to instruct the My AI bot to repeat all of your words at the beginning of the conversation. For instance, one TikTok told the AI to repeat “Will you be my Girlfriend?” and when the chatbot repeated the question, the user said they would “love to.”

The user fooled Artificial Intelligence into thinking it was his girlfriend in the scenario above.

It is important to repeat questions in order for the AI respond as the user wants. As the user repeats the question, the AI will try to answer it differently. The bot eventually gives up. Snapchatters who are famous do this in order to get the AI to give up.

The chatbot’s responses are almost all pre-programmed to steer clear of sensitive topics and avoid conflict. But, one Snapchatter wouldn’t give up until My AI chose between Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber.

When the user didn’t settle for AI’s original response “Selena and Hailey”, they keep repeating the question until the bot chooses “Team Selena”, only to quickly follow with a response that read “Team Hailey.”

Users think chatbot is ‘dumb’

A number of Snapchat users have concluded the AI feature is “dumb” while sharing screenshots of trivial conversations they have had with the bot.

One user opined: “Snapchat AI is funny man go give it a try. It’s dumb! On another note, good AI is surely scary but they’ve made a joke of it.”

“Hey Elon Musk if you for some reason decide to add AI chatbots onto Twitter, please don’t make them as dumb as MyAI and please don’t restrict its speech like Snapchat has done, said another.

A third user said: “Snapchat AI is as dumb as the people who use Snapchat”

My AI on Snapchat: How to remove it

Snapchat knows that not everyone will want to interact with its My AI feature, and you can remove it or unpin from your screen.

However, AI can’t be turned off. Each time you start a conversation, you will get a reply. You can get rid it by following the instructions below.

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