Thomas REQUESTS Meg & Prince Harry to be’stripped off titles’ for making fun of the Royal Family’s Ellen appearances


Meghan Markle & Prince Harry ‘provoked Royals’

MEGHAN Markle, Prince Harry “provoked the royals”The Queen “didn’t want to be dragged down the rabbit hole”Palace sources claim that they are.

According to reports, senior royal aides refused to be involved in a public war for words, despite Meghan’s and Harry’s requests. “provocative”Public interviews in this year.

The claims come as the Royal Family have lawyers braced to launch action against the BBC over a shock documentary being shown tonight.

It is feared the programme could allege warring siblings William and Harry instructed courtiers to plant smears against each other in the press.

The Duke and Duchess Of Sussex are allegedly reportedly “provoked”After the royals sat down for an explosive interview with Oprah in March, insiders disproved claims William or Harry’s advisors went to war during Megxit.

One source said that theDaily Mail:

“The palace mantra was that a period of silence would be beneficial to take the toxicity out of the situation, with the Queen going so far as to issue a personal statement making clear that there were matters they needed to deal with privately as a family.”


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