This Christmas, the perfect hangover tip


If you have been receiving invitations and emails for Christmas drinks and events, you may be wondering how your liver will deal with this festive season.

Although the copious amount of prancer prosecco and elf ales is likely to make you feel a bit tired, one expert says there’s a simple way to get your head back on track.

Festive parties and work drinks could all get a bit much, here's how you can beat the dreaded hangover


You might feel a little overwhelmed by the festivities and work drinks. Here’s how to avoid that horrible hangover.Credit: Getty

According to the NHS men and women should consume no more than 14 units per week.

This is how you can put it in perspective: A unit is one glass of wine and a pint low-strength beer are two units.

It’s possible that you will wake up craving junk food if you have been drinking. However, one expert suggests that this is not something you should be doing.

Registered nutritionist and founder Re:NourishNicci Clarke suggested that instead of consuming junk food from fast food outlets in order to get you through a tough night, it is better to eat clean.

Nicci reveals how to make the perfect drink that will help you get back on track.

Nicci stated: “Blend 300mls coconut water, handful kale and a quarter of an celery stick with a quarter of the cucumber. Add a handful of rocket, juice of one lemon, and a quarter of a lime.

“This is the perfect hangover cure, as it is packed with antioxidants, vitamins and hydration that the body and liver needs to get over that hangover.”

This drink is great if you have a hangover. However, scientists also created a drink that you can drink before you get drunk. It’s said to prevent you from getting a hangover.

The Start up Drinks Lab worked with food scientist Sheila Kupschthe to create Inside Out, which can can help protect your body before a night out and reduce your hangover the day after.

The drink is made up of pure extracts and antioxidants that were scientifically tested and developed by experts over 12 months.

Nicci also suggested that eating a healthy diet can help prepare the body for festive drinking.

She suggested that you reduce your intake of foods that could also harm your liver.

“Don’t just eat foods which turbocharge your liver health, cut the unhealthy out of your life”, Nicci said.

She recommended reducing the intake of fatty foods like take-out and cakes, as well as sweets and salty foods such as bacon.

She also recommended reducing alcohol intake and starchy foods like pasta and white bread.


Nicci said that there are other ways to protect your liver during the festive season, and that it is all about “everything in moderation”.

She said that, “While it would be best to completely cut out refined carbs like alcohol and chocolate during Christmas, that is not the time.”

“Instead, limit the amount of these foods you are consuming. Christmas equals chaos, and comfort eating is inevitable with the stress of buying presents and in laws come to stay! Make the most of the Christmas spirit, just don’t stuff your face too much.”

Nicci said that it is easy to sit around and feel miserable, but you should get up and move about a lot.

“It’s tempting to be lazy when the festivities start, but get moving. To maintain a healthy liver, you need to exercise for around 150 minutes per week.

“Pick an exercise that you love, it doesn’t matter what it is. You could even keep this in mind over the Christmas period as well – get the whole family outside for an active game… the loser washes up after the Christmas Dinner! “

I was a functioning alcoholic. I drank vodka every day at work and kept it hidden in the disabled toilet. No one knew.

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