This Chic Fairy Tale is a perfect combination of charm and humor


We wish you luck in finding a sweeter, less violent film in 2022. “Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris”Paul Gallico has adapted the 1958 classic novel to a thrilling adaptation.“The Poseidon Adventure”A kind and caring person pursues their goals even though they seem a little out of reach. It’s a formula that’s custom-designed for audience satisfaction, and when it’s done right it’s nothing short of a miracle.

“Mrs. Harris,”Directed by Anthony Fabian“Louder Than Words”This is the story of Ada Harris, a cleaning lady from 1950s London. Her husband went missing in the war, and she’s spent the last decade-and-a-half waiting for him to return, doing difficult jobs for rich people who don’t appreciate her. When word finally arrives of her husband’s fate, Ada Harris realizes it’s time to stop waiting and make her own dreams come true.

Mrs. Harris’s dream sounds much simpler than it is: She wants to buy a Christian Dior dress, an incredibly expensive purchase for which she has no practical use. She isn’t going to the Academy Awards or a royal wedding. She just thinks Christian Dior dresses are lovely, and she wants to have one — and if she scrimps and saves, she just might be able to afford it.

Lesley Manville and Isabelle Huppert Fashion Drama ‘Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris’ Acquired by Focus

Fabian does a wonderful job of creating a world where people and circumstances can be delightful, but not impossible. The opening act of “Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris”It is unusually long, but essential, because Fabian (who cowrote the screenplay along with three writers) knows that Mrs. Harris will feel more fulfilled when she does eventually get there. It is amazing to see good karma return to Mrs. Harris and give her exactly the things she desires.

The filmmakers also understand that if we, the audience, don’t share Mrs. Harris’s obsession with Christian Dior fashion, the movie won’t work on an emotional level. Jenny Beavan, costume designer, deserves an inexhaustible credit.“Cruella”) for crafting impeccable and delicate dresses, and to cinematographer Felix Wiedemann for finding all the shafts of light that make them shimmer just so. These dresses are “Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris” aren’t just props; they’re a little bit alive, and they bounce in people’s arms with the urgency of adorable kittens who want you to adopt them.

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Mrs. Harris’s story doesn’t stop when she gets the money, of course. She still has to travel to Paris, where she can’t afford a hotel room, and to get into Christian Dior wearing her everyday outfit. It’s no easy feat considering Dior is known for its glamour and exclusivity. Standing in her way is the grumpy Claudine Colbert (Isabelle Huppert, perfectly vicious), but opening the door anyhow are Dior’s good-natured accountant, André (Lucas Bravo, “Emily in Paris”) and supermodel Natasha (Alba Baptista, “Warrior Nun”), who secretly fawn over each other.

Things get more complicated when Mrs. Harris realizes that even though she has enough cash for the dress, her words are not enough. haute couture mean she can’t just pick one up off the rack. She’s got to stay in Paris for weeks even though she’s spending every penny on a luxury item. Her positive spirit, helpful nature, and willingness to help others foster amazing goodwill from almost everyone she meets. After working hard for so long, it’s not possible to be a failure. “Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris”She is gradually provided with everything she needs.

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It is perhaps the ultimate fantasy, that all good deeds go rewarded; making Mrs. Harris’s world just punishing enough to drive the suspense, but just decent enough to actually work out, is a balancing act that director Fabian skillfully manages throughout the entire film.

“Mrs. Harris” doesn’t pretend that the evils of the world don’t exist. There is often surprising class commentary in the film. The beautiful streets of Paris are consistently choked with garbage due to a sanitation workers’ strike. And although Dior’s rich clients scoff at Mrs. Harris for reaching above her station, the accountants are desperate to make her happy because — unlike all those wealthy royals, politicians and celebrities — she actually plans to pay them, and in cash, no less.

Lesley Manville carries the film wonderfully — with pitch-perfect assistance from Jason Isaacs, Ellen Thomas, Lambert Wilson, Huppert, Baptista and Bravo — and refuses to make even a second of her performance feel superficial or twee. If we don’t believe in Mrs. Harris, we can’t accept any part of this mid-20th century fairy tale, and we never doubt her for a second.

It is a rare pleasure to witness a film charmed by its natural beauty. “Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris”Fluff that is rich in depth can be more satisfying. This allows you to sink into the fluff and experience an overwhelming sense of comfort. Let us all wish for a sequel that sees Mrs. Harris and Paddington Bear competing to be the most pleasingly pleasant. (I bet the one wearing Dior is my favorite.

“Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris”In US theatres, July 15.


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