These are the main things teenagers worry about every day and how parents can make them feel confident


Nine in 10 parents worry about their teenager’s confidence – and will go to any lengths to improve it.

Research of 1,000 parents of teens revealed 68 per cent can struggle with their self-esteem – with appearance being the main issue, we share expert tips.

Parents worry about the staggering percentage of teens struggling with confidence


Parents worry about the staggering percentage of teens struggling with confidenceCredit: Getty

Understand your teen’s emphasis on how they look

Many parents see their role in building self-esteem in their kids as critical, following this we have an insight into the importance of a teen’s appearance from Dr Owen Crotty.

Speaking on behalf of Align Technology, the makers of Invisalign clear aligners which commissioned the research, Dr Crotty, said: “The research has shown parents are acutely aware of how important their role is in the confidence of their kids and how their appearance could impact this.

“These formative years can be a testing time for many who often focus on their appearance as a reason to feel secure” added Dr Crotty

Know why they are so concerned with the perception of others

At the top of the list of things, that impact a teenager’s confidence is the behaviour of other young people around them.

How they are treated by others, their self-esteem and how they perceive them can have a major impact on their self-esteem. Dr Crotty suggests that parents talk to their teenager about these feelings and not dismiss them.

“It’s great to see parents are recognising the significance of their role and pulling out all the stops to boost their teenager’s confidence, giving them all they need to be happy, healthy and confident as they grow up,” Dr Crotty agreed.

Getting involved in your teenagers interests and hobbies

The study also found that four in 10 parents will also indulge in one of their interests with them, to bring joy to their teens.

Outside of this generally just getting them to have a laugh, take them out somewhere like the cinema or a theme park – or even just watching a funny movie together, can be helpful in bringing up their mood.

63 per cent of parents are regularly on the case when it comes to improving their child’s self-confidence, with a quarter looking at ways to help ‘all the time’.

Encouragement is key

While 84 per cent are determined to help their child’s self-confidence in whatever way they can, one of the main complaints found by teens was that they don’t feel confident due to lack of encouragement.

Showing them they’re loved, encouraging them frequently and regularly giving reassurance were emotional ways parents want to big up self-esteem.

Even though some teens’ concerns may seem small to you, it is vital to let them know that they are valued and heard.

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Parents feel a responsibility for their kids' self-esteem


Parents feel a responsibility for their kids’ self-esteemCredit: Getty


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