These are the cheapest places to retire… they cost half as much as the UK


THE cheapest countries for Brits to retire in has been revealed – the cheapest being half the cost of the UK.

As the cost of living continues to rise, more people, especially pensioners, are considering moving to the UK.

Brit pensioners are increasingly looking to move abroad for a better quality of life (stock image)


The British pensioners are more inclined to seek out better quality life abroad. Stock imageCredit: Getty

Searches for “best country to retire to from the UK”According to a report by The Economist, they have increased by more than 90% in the past 12 months. Euronews.

Penfold analysis has shown the top countries Brits should move to in order to improve their quality of living.

Financial experts looked at the top countries retired people have seen and compared them using 12 lifestyle factors such as exchange rates, healthcare costs, and how much money is required to apply for a Visa.

The cheapest countries that came out on top were the Philippines, Thailand and South Africa, which were found to have prices around half of what they are in the UK.

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France, Italy, and Cyprus were the most affordable places to live in Europe, besides the top three countries to retire.

Considering all the factors, Croatia came out top on Penfold’s list.

The cost of renting and the daily expenses of living were found to be nearly half that of Brits who remain at home.

The financial requirements for visa applications were one of the lowest (around £2,839) and healthcare costs were also low.

The country’s flights were also relatively inexpensive and took on average just over two hours.

Spain was second, which is a popular choice for Brits who want to retire there.

The country is known for its warm climate and beautiful beaches. It also has easy access to train or plane for relatives and friends who wish to visit.

It was also highly rated for safety and happiness.

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Ireland was third on the list thanks to its good healthcare system, many green spaces, and proximity to the UK. This compensates for the less than ideal climate.

It was also one of the happiest and safest countries to settle in with retirees only needing €7,000 (£6,060) in their bank account to apply for a visa.

Some of the cheapest places to retire in were found to be were the Philippines, Thailand and South Africa (stock image)


The Philippines, Thailand, and South Africa were some of the most affordable places to retire (stock image).Credit: Getty


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