These are some of the best Anything But A Backpack Day ideas to make your friends laugh.

The internet’s most popular trend is Anything But A Backpack Day. Many people are starting to ditch their bags and looking for alternatives, these are some of the most creative ideas.

The best thing about this day is its lack of an official date. It’s possible to do it wherever and whenever you like, with TikTok videos regularly making the challenge viral.

It can be a fun way of ending the school year. ‘Casual Fridays’You can take your work to a new level, or spice things up with your friends.

People who’ve taken part in the trend have swapped their backpacks for everything from a laundry basket to a dog crate or shopping trolleys to buckets, and pretty much anything else you can possibly imagine.

Ideas for Best Anything But A Backpack Day

Clips of people taking part in Anything But A Backpack Day often pop up on TikTok, and they’re pretty hilarious.

The video below shows a couple pushing their stuff around in a trashcan while another person pushes their books around in a canoe.

Someone else employs a children’s electric car as a driveable backpack and another has their books in a mop and bucket on wheels.

Below is a video taken at a different school. One student uses a bedside desk, while another uses a baby sling for storage.

Students use cereal boxes, chairs and children’s suitcase, as well as a pushchair, a violin case, and even a mailbox.

Others have also used wheelbarrows, coolers, and skateboards to move their belongings among classes.

There are many possibilities.

What would you pack for Anything But A Backpack Day, and why? Comment below.

Also, Twitter’s new feature allows you to edit your tweets

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