The Unexpected Benefits of Adding Onion to Your Skin Care Routine


The Unexpected Benefits of Adding Onion to Your Skin Care Routine

There are plenty of options for adding onion to your skin-care routine if you’re interested in it. DIY treatments are popular because you can control the ingredients. You can use onions to brighten your skin and moisturize it.Healthlinesuggests creating an oatmeal, onion, and honey mask. An onion extract gel is effective in treating scars. This was revealed by a 2018 study that was published in The.Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Healthline suggests mixing fresh squeezed onion juice with pure aloe vera gel to make the onion extract gel. Aloe vera may improve the results since it’s well-known for its wound-healing benefits.

Remember that any onion can be used. However, the outer layer of onions has the highest antioxidant benefits (via).Journal of Food Science and TechnologyThis is why it might be beneficial to start there to improve that radiant glow.

You don’t need to make your own beauty products. There are plenty of store-bought options that include this ingredient. These ingredients can be found in everything from creams and masks to moisturizers and gels. Healthline recommends looking for an ingredient called “allium cepa extract.”This is also known to be called onion extract. Although products containing onion bulb extracts are safe, you should avoid any products containing this powerful vegetable ingredient if you have an allergy to onions.


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