The Meaning of All Night Parking (With Erroll garner) Interlude by Adele


The Meaning of All Night Parking (With Erroll garner) Interlude by Adele

Adele’s “All Night Parking(With ErrollGarner) Interlude” functions at a completely different level from the rest. “30.”This song is track 8 of the 12 songs. It therefore sits in the middle. The title “Interlude.”

“All Night Parking”It has a jazzy, jazz bar feel. The song’s sexy beat is refreshingly seductive, especially considering that it comes on an album that includes other songs that focus on Adele’s thoughts about her divorce and how she explained this to Angelo. This song is about new love, unlike the songs about a breakup. “I just wanna spend all my time with you (It feels so good) / I’m so hard to impress, don’t leave me on this stretch alone,” Adele sings, viaGenius.

Adele sings of her hard shell, and how love broke it open. “I don’t know how you got through to me (I’m so cold) / It’s all happenin’ so easily (Like, oh, my God) / It’s so hard to digest, usually, I’m best alone / But every time that you text, I want to get on the next flight home,”She sings. The singer is now a beacon of hope with this sexy, yet cheerful song.


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