The Survivor 41 player explains exactly how Pastor Shan Smith duped him


Warning! Spoilers ahead for Survivor41!

Survivor 41When it comes to finding new twists and turning, is going all out. In the latest episode, it was double elimination night – again. The castaways who had been merged were also split into two separate episodes. “tribes”Vote-offs are underway again. Evvie Jagoda was first to be killed and has a good idea of why. Also, the second outed player is able to tell why he’s on jury or who put him there: Pastor Shan Smith.

To be fair, he was doing just as well as one could expect. He had a hidden immunity idol and was playing the middle in two locked-in pairs. And he maintained a positive attitude, even though he was starving. Naseer Muttalif was a man with power in many ways, but he was still voted out of the election. Survivor 41 double. Muttalif explained Entertainment Weekly that the merge brought with it chaos and confusion over who was really with who and, evidently as a result, Pastor Shan Smith was able to dupe him – big time. He stated:

Evie and Tiffany arrived, which is great. But they still have to figure out how Yase tribe works. So, they are confused like a goat! [Laughs]Then, I no longer trust Luvu. So finally I felt connected to Shan. We had a very good relationship. [my]Religious leaders. She often spoke about religion. So that’s what I’m like. ‘You know, that is how I grew up. Religious leaders sometimes have to have a little bit of [loyalty].’So here’s what I look like ‘That’s a great person to trust.’However, I believe that this was the greatest mistake. We are still on Survivor. Anyone can do anything. You had to enjoy it and move forward.

survivor 41

(Image credit: CBS)

Shan Smith was open with the audience that she doesn’t mind shirking her religious identity or playing up her religion to win the game. Over the past few weeks, the pastor from Washington, D.C. has been honing a beautiful villain’s game of betrayal and blindsides. Not one, but two of her faithful followers have returned home. Survivor 41Advantage players who have them in their pocket or take them. This includes Brad Keese (JD Robinson) and Naseer Mutalif. To top it all, she also has her hidden immunity idol, which can still do some damage.

However, Naseer Muttalif shouldn’t totally blame the pastor for his untimely vote-out. Ricard Foye, Shan Smith’s wingman, devised the strategy to get a tie between Muttalif (and Heather Aldret) using her extra vote advantage. This was a failsafe in the event that Muttalif played his idol. Smith wanted Aldret to go, just as Muttalif believed. But she was then directed elsewhere. Therefore, the pastor might want to think about whether keeping Foye around would be in her best interest for winning. Survivor.

Regardless, it’s plain to see that Shan Smith’s golden resume is only building. Deshawn Radden is apparently her sworn enemy. I really hope she is smart and plays her cards well. I have a feeling that she may just be the greatest contestant to ever play the game. Survivor.

Survivor 41Airs Wednesdays at 8 PM. ET on CBS!


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