The Smash Burger Tacos Trend on TikTok


These tacos may be delicious, but are not particularly nutritious. What makes the TikTok trend popular with foodies? Click here to find out more.

Emma Saletta - Author

You get a smash burger taco when you mix a burger together with a Mexican-style tortilla. Well, one of the latest TikTok trends – smash burger tacos. Chrissy Teigen participated in the TikTok trend that started out as an idea to combine two meals.

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The mashup meal can be both healthy and delicious. The Food Network Canada TikTok even called the mashup meal a “Ten out of 10.,” but not before creating their own smash burger taco.

What is the delicious TikTok craze? Below you will find all the information on how to be part of this trend right in your kitchen or backyard.

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The latest trend in TikTok is to eat smash burger tacos.

Smash burger tacos are a popular meal for TikTok fans, whether they’re made on a stovetop or barbecue. If you haven’t tried the trend yet, there are many ways to make it. You can also get some ideas from TikTok users.

Look for TikTok video that includes hashtags, such as #smashburgertacos. You will find all the latest smash burger taco TikToks that show exactly what to combine on your stove or grill — and what other creative ingredients might make your smash burger taco even tastier.

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TikTok is dominated by a particular smash-burger taco.

TikTok users have shared videos with their unique smash-burger taco recipe. However, a smash burger taco that pops up the most is one that may require you to go to McDonald’s before cooking – to source Big Mac sauce.

TikTok’s smash burger is the Big Mac with McDonald’s sauce or home-made.

Making homemade sauce is not difficult, and it doesn’t require much time, since the ingredients are readily available. Big Mac sauce recipe calls for simple ingredients — like mayonnaise and ketchup, and a few other basic burger fixins. It’s recommended that the sauce be refrigerated for two hours, preferably overnight. This will make it taste more like the original.

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Smash burger tacos can be made as inventive as you want. Big Macs may not appeal to everyone. Chrissy made a smash taco on an enamel pan and posted the result on TikTok. @cravingsbychrissyteigen. After trying the finished product, the mother of four children and author of a cookbook was all smiles.


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