The simple patch that could ‘cure’ your baldness is a hope for thousands


Experts believe that a SIMPLE patch could be used to ‘cure baldness’.

The gadget was created by Chinese researchers using tiny needles and artificial Intelligence.

Medics have devised patches that could help treat baldness in men and in women


The patches could be used to treat baldness in both men and women by MedicsCredit: Getty

Many people are affected by male- or female-pattern hair loss. The medics suggest that this new technique can help them.

Write in the journal Nano LettersThe patch neutralizes highly reactive chemicals, which cause hair to thin and eventually disappear.

Within just 13 days, the patches had the ability to regenerate hair in mice.

The patches were more effective than any other treatment, such as testosterone or chemical minoxidil.

A variety of factors can cause hair loss in people suffering from pattern baldness.

The experts stated that they include male hormones, inflammation, and hair with too many reactive oxygen species (e.g. free radical molecules)

The body’s antioxidant enzymes, which normally keep them in control, can become overwhelmed when there are too many factors.

One of these enzymes is called superoxide dismutase and the researchers have recently created mimics of it called nanozymes.

However, the team wanted to test artificial intelligence in order to create a more effective nanozyme that could treat hair loss.

They evaluated machine-learning models using 91 combinations.

Experts predicted that manganese-phosphorous trisulfide, or MnPS3, would be the best tool to accomplish the task.

This was then combined with small sheets of manganese, redphosphorous, and sulphur powder.

Although the majority of the tests were done on mice, the initial human skin tests showed that they significantly reduced free radicals and did not cause any harm.

Lina Wang of Qingdao University of Science and Technology, the study’s corresponding author, stated that hair loss can be a problem for many people – both men and women – as one’s self-confidence and hairstyle.

“Some people accept it. Other people wish they could regrow their lost hair.

“We have used artificial intelligence (AI) to predict compounds that could neutralise baldness-causing reactive oxygen species in the scalp.”


Researchers in Japan have grown hair cells in a lab in October 2022. It raises hope that a cure is possible.

The technique involves creating skin organoids — tiny, simple versions of an organ which can do some of the same tasks — in a Petri dish.

The hair follicles are an organ.

After 23 days, the organoids had produced fully matured follicles measuring approximately 3mm in length.

Dr Tatsuto Kageyama, of Yokohama National University in Japan, said the breakthrough could “prove valuable for better understanding regenerating hair follicles”.

In May 2022 scientists said a new twice-a-day pill marked an ‘important milestone’ in developing new drugs to tackle baldness.

Concert Pharmaceuticals, a drug company, recruited 706 patients with severe to moderate alopecia.

They were divided into three groups. One group was given an 8mg daily pill and another received a 12mg twice-daily tablet. The third group was given a placebo.

“A statistically significant proportion of patients”They found that the pills had a greater rate of scalp growth than the dummy drug.


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