The Shocking Truth Behind Giancarlo Esposito’s Near Encounter with a Hitman Before Breaking Bad – Learn the Tragic Reason Here!

The Tragic Reason Giancarlo Esposito Almost Hired a Hitman Before Breaking Bad

Giancarlo Esposito’s Early Career Struggles

After working with Spike Lee and David E. Kelley on projects like “School Daze” and “Girls Club” — as well as a role on “Homicide: Life on the Street” — Giancarlo Esposito was still struggling to make a living as an actor.

Breaking Bad: A Career-Defining Role

In 2009, Giancarlo Esposito was cast as drug kingpin Gus Fring on “Breaking Bad” and immediately skyrocketed to fame. His portrayal of Gus, including his violent death on the series, provided one of its most indelible images.

Return to the Role in Better Call Saul

From 2017 to 2022, Esposito returned to play Gus Fring on “Better Call Saul,” exploring the history of his character alongside star Bob Odenkirk. When asked if he would play Gus again, Esposito replied, “Yeah, I would love that.”

Gus Fring’s Backstory

Esposito shared his vision for Gus’ backstory, describing him as a military man who worked his way up through the ranks. Despite the potential for power and influence, Gus chose to create a new life in America as a meth dealer and businessman, seeking to control his own destiny.

The Rise of Gus

Esposito envisions a series centered on young Gus, exploring his transformation from a Tony Montana-like figure to a calculated and strategic individual. He hopes such a series would depict “The Rise of Gus,” showcasing his journey to becoming the formidable character fans know and love.

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