“The Shocking Moment Deadpool Fed his Body to an X-Man – You Won’t Believe What Happened Next!” #Deadpool #XMan #ShockingMoment #BodyFeed


Title: The Grossest Thing Deadpool Ever Did – And It Isn’t Even Close


Deadpool Feeding Archangel

Deadpool’s attempt to feed the barely conscious Archangel his flesh ends up being equally hilarious as it is gross. The Merc with a Mouth cuts pieces of his body with a knife and drops them into his injured teammate’s mouth. When Archangel fails to respond, Deadpool jokes, “Don’t make me chew it for you, baby bird,” words of encouragement that help the starving hero to eat. Once the hero starts to come to, he asks Deadpool where the food he’d been fed came from. The mercenary responds, “If I tell you, do you promise to keep eating?” In the end, resorting to cannibalism actually works, and Deadpool’s flesh gives Archangel enough fuel to restore his energy and fight back against the Clan Akabba.

Deadpool’s Selfless Act

As disgusting as it is, Deadpool deserves points for creativity. Cutting off his own skin and flesh in order to feed Archangel proves to be a gross but successful idea. It’s about as selfless of an action Deadpool has ever performed, taking literal chunks out of himself to ensure his teammate survives what would have otherwise been certain death. Thankfully, due to his healing factor, the antihero’s missing pieces restore themselves, but it still causes him significant pain to slice himself into bite-sized chunks. Archangel probably won’t ever seek elaboration on exactly how he gained his strength back, unless he wants to have nightmares about being a cannibal. But in the end, Deadpool’s quick thinking saved Archangel’s life, even if the interaction represents the grossest moment either of the two are ever likely to experience.


Curious to learn more (sometimes gross) facts about Wade Wilson? Marvel would prefer you forget about Deadpool’s dark deeds, but they are definitely worth exploring for the sheer shock factor.


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