The Shocking Kevin Bacon Theory Revealed: Why Tremors is Secretly a Sequel to Footloose” – catchy SEO title with keywords “Kevin Bacon Theory”, “Tremors”, “Footloose Sequel


Is Tremors a Footloose Sequel? Kevin Bacon Thinks So!

Kevin Bacon on the Tremors-Footloose Connection

Perhaps the most entertaining part of the sequel theory is that Kevin Bacon is aware of it and completely on board with the madness. In a 2015 interview with ShortList, the actor was introduced to the theory, and his response was so enthusiastic that he even came up with a disaster movie-style prequel to the Graboid version of “Footloose” on the spot.

“Okay, that’s hilarious,” Bacon said. “So what we’re saying is that the worms are attracted to vibrations and they caused a whole lot of damage, therefore the town had to ban dancing in order to stop attracting them? I’m fully behind that theory, I think it’s great.”

The Fun of Fan Theories

Of course, fan theories like this are generally little more than entertaining thought experiments. Still, it’s fun to know that Bacon is in on the fun and appreciates the idea that two of his best-known movies are connected. Perhaps somewhere, some enterprising fan is toiling away with a grand unified Bacon theory that draws these connections across the actor’s entire filmography. It would fit nicely with the “Footloose”-“Tremors” theory and the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game.


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