The Resort Is Different From Anything You Would Expect


Get ready for an unforgettable vacation.

PeacockThe comedy thriller that is new The Resortis about to take fans on an unexpected ride that defies genre. Or, as star Nina Bloomgarden put it, expect the “everything genre.”

“When I read the pilot for the first time, right off the bat it was like, ‘Wow this is different. This is interesting and this could go in a million different ways,” Bloomgarden told E! Exclusively for E! News ahead of the July 28 premiere “Genre-wise, it really is all over the map. After a while I was like, ‘It’s everything.’ I think it’s important to have an everything genre because life is an everything genre.”

The ResortFollows an out-of sync couple (played By Cristin MiotiAnd William Jackson HarperThe two are trying to reconnect at a tropical escape. They discover thrilling twists along the way as they investigate the mysterious deaths in the past decade of two young travelers.


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