The Gray Man’s Dhanush could return in sequel movie, hints Russo Brothers


The Gray Man has just launched worldwide on Netflix, with the Russo Brothers already hinting at Dhanush’s potential return in a sequel.

Without sounding emotional, naïve or patronising, The Gray Man is an incredibly important film for Indian fans and can certainly be considered as a coming out party for a superstar of modern Indian cinema, Dhanush.

The Netflix action movie, starring Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans, is arguably one of the most highly-anticipated films of the Summer and has piqued the interest of Indian audiences because it will be Dhanush’s Hollywood debut.

Fans shouldn’t think this is just a brief appearance. The Russo Brothers are already hinting that Dhanush may return in a possible sequel to The Gray Man.

Official Trailer for The Gray Man| Official Trailer



Official Trailer for The Gray Man| Official Trailer





Russo Bros hint at Dhanush’s return in The Gray Man sequel

As The Gray Man has just dropped, we don’t want to get into spoiler territory by discussing what happened to Dhanush’s character, Avik “The Lone Wolf”San, in San.

However, fans of Dhanush can be hopeful that this won’t be the last time that the Tamil cinema icon will work with the Russo Brothers, the duo behind the new action blockbuster.

Report by VarietyJoe Russo stated that “It’s based on a book series, so there is the opportunity to expand this into future movies. We love to keep going with the world because we love all the characters.”

“But we need the audience to tell us whether they want to see more of the story or not. If we do continue forward with the story, I can guarantee you that Dhanush’s character will be part of that world moving forward.” – Joe Russo, via Variety.

Anthony Russo would add that he appreciates the idea. “keeps getting texts from people I know and they just say ‘more Dhanush’ in the texts.”Dhanush responded to this speculation by revealing that all it would require to make a return to the franchise is just “a phone call.”

“It will be great to work with Ryan [Gosling] again, he’s a fantastic human being. He is very kind, very sweet, very welcoming, and he made me feel very, very comfortable on sets. And we have amazing mutual respect for each other. And it will be really, really great to work with him. Regardless [of] whether we’re fighting or not fighting with each other.” – Dhanush, via Variety.

Joe Russo would also note, interestingly, how “We love the vibrant film community here”And that “There’s so much talent in India, the fan base is so passionate. We’d love to find as many projects as possible with Indian talent, producers, directors, actors. It’s exciting to us.”

Don’t call us South or North actors, says Dhanush

While most Indian fans will already know the name and talent of Dhanush, millions more people will not be able to find out about him until now, due to such a huge Hollywood project.

Dhanush recently lashed out at how his coworkers are being described in media. ‘Southern’Oder ‘Northern’ actors.

Dhanush stated via Twitter, during a press conference India TodayHe discusses the North vs South debate on Indian cinema from his perspective as an Indian actor, and not simply a product or industry because of its geography.

“I would appreciate [it] if we are called as Indian actors, not as North and South actors. The world has shrunk and the lines are fading. This is a time to come together and make it one industry, a huge industry.” – Dhanush, via India Today.

Dhanush noted then how “It will be great if we function together and make movies for everybody, not just for South or North. National films, not regional films. Every film is a national film.”

“People watch South films, we watch North films. Every film is for everybody, especially with digital platforms. Everybody has access to watch everybody’s work.” – Dhanush, via India Today.

By Tom Llewellyn – [email protected]

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