The genius onion hack will save your time and your tears


Melbourne’s nutritionist and cookbook author, David, shared his knowledge. “literally life-changing”Hack to quickly dice an onion – people are shocked that they didn’t know of this sooner.

Melanie Lionello posted the technique to her Instagram and TikTok profiles, From My Little Kitchen.

In the clip – which was viewed over 4.6 million times on TikTok and played more than 12m times on Instagram — Lionello begins the tear-free process by placing the whole onion, which already had its stem cut off, on a cutting board with the root-up.

Lionello marks multiple pieces of onion around the stem and root, as long as the skin is not removed.

Then, she places the aromatic vegetable on its back and makes several vertical cuts starting at the stem and working their way to the root.

Once this is done, the onion cutting process can be completed.

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“This hack is going to save so many tears. This is how you dice a whole onion in under 30 seconds. Tell me I’m not the only one who is just learning this technique?!” Lionello wrote on Instagram.

Both Instagram and TikTok users were stunned and taken aback at the time-saving, expert onion trick.

One person wrote this on Instagram: “Oh my god! This makes so much sense!”

“Wow, I’m trying this, haha, never cut an onion like this, but it looks so easy!”Another added.

TikTok’s third author wrote: “I always thought there has to be a better way. I was today years old when I found out about diving [onion emoji] like this.”

Lionello’s techniques were believed by another person “creative”But it’s a little risky: “That’s because it’s not the right way although it’s creative. Cutting in half make[s] it stable and the way you hold to protect your fingers.”

TikTok is no stranger in becoming a platform that can help you live your best life “hacks,”Many people upload videos that show how they make everyday tasks more enjoyable or easier.

The onion cutting technique is one of the most popular trends in food.

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