The End of Day Shift is explained on Netflix and in movie reference


There was once a time when it seemed like there were new vampire movies every week. Much to the disappointment of sub-genre fans, they’re definitely a lot more scarce these days.

Fortunately, Netflix subscribers have been invited to check out J. J. Perry’s directorial feature debut Day Shift.

Jamie Foxx plays Bud Jablonski, the vampire hunter in San Fernando Valley who must raise some serious money to prevent his family from moving. However, things become a little more difficult when he’s pursued by a powerful bloodsucker with a very personal grudge against Bud.

It has been described by some as “The film that never sleeps.” John Wick with vampires and it’s certainly deserved. However, after finishing this action-comedy, those who aren’t so familiar with horror cinema may be scratching their heads at its conclusion. So, let’s look into the ending of Day Shift on Netflix.


Netflix: Ending of Day Shift explained

It’s a rocky road for Bud but ultimately he’s able to take down the villainous vampire Audrey San Fernando (played by Karla Souza), who had previously kidnapped both his ex-wife and daughter.

Bud is assisted by Seth (Dave Franco), Heather, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, and Big John Elliott (Snoop Dogg). He sets off explosives in a vest to kill many vampires and save his friend.

Bud is now able to kill Audrey with his sterling wire. Alas, everything is wrapped up and Bud’s family doesn’t have to move to Flordia because he can get money for the teeth he scored from the whole adventure.

Yet, a big question mark presents itself in the movie’s final moment. Bud and his family drive by Big John, who emerges unharmed from the manhole smoking and is still smiling. After saying, he walks off into unknown. “that’s what I love about LA… all the damn vampires.”

Day Shift pays tribute To The Lost Boys

The “that’s what I love about LA… all the damn vampires”The quote is directly related to the 1987 horror-comedy classic The Lost Boys.

Joel Schumacher directed this movie, which ended with a character saying “one thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach: all the damn vampires.”

It may have been added as an homage to one the most famous movies of its genre, but it could be read in a completely different way. We were led by Big John to believe he had died. His survival may indicate that he might be a vampire.

By reversing The Lost Boys quote, loving a place rather than hating it for its vampires, it’s likely that John could be one of the good vampires. This is understandable considering Seth is portrayed as a turned-in character, but is still able make an appearance at the very end.

Day Shift | Official Trailer | Netflix



Day Shift | Official Trailer | Netflix





‘I’ll make you an action star’

Speak with This is covered, the Day Shift director explained how he pitched the Big John role to Calvin Broadus, Snoop Dogg’s real name:

“My whole pitch to him was: I’ll make you an action star, brother. I said, ‘Look, I don’t want Snoop to be Big John. I’m hiring Calvin Broadus to play Big John, who was inspired by my platoon sergeant.’ And Snoop said, ‘Well, my father was in Vietnam.’ My dad was in the Army too, so we had this common thread.”

He also added: “I said, basically, ‘I want you to play your father,’ because his father was Southern. I said I want to take away all of that LA swagger and give you more of a country swagger.”

Day Shift streaming exclusively on Netflix

Also, Ending of Day Shift is now available on Netflix. Movie reference explained


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