The demand for a dietary supplement marketed as ‘Nature’s Ozempics’ spikes


The demand for a dietary supplement marketed as 'Nature’s Ozempics' spikes

You can also find out more about the A-Team here. The 2022 Systematic Review Frontiers in Nutrition combined the results of 49 research studies on berberine. Berberine has been shown to reduce insulin, cholesterol, triglycerides and body mass index. If you have BMI less than 25, however, all these effects were not achieved by berberine. The weight loss for BMI above 25 was still less than 2 pounds, and the BMI change was less that 1/4 point. In fact, integrative medicine specialist Dr. Melinda Ring tellsThe New York Times The effects of Berberine are grossly exaggerated.

According to The Conversation berberine has similar gastrointestinal effects as Ozempic. These include diarrhea and upset stomach. It’s best to avoid berberine if you are pregnant or nursing. Berberine can permeate through the placenta, causing harm to an unborn child. It may also interact with drugs for diabetes, blood clots and high blood tension. WebMD). According to the FDA, supplements such as Berberine do not fall under their jurisdiction. CBS NewsSo the amount stated on the bottle may not correspond to the quantity of berberine.


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