Ten Iconic and Ill-Fated Thanksgiving Moments Film


Is it too late to join the twitter trolling frenzy? Are you looking for material to stir resentment after the end of the midterm election? Here’s a list that’ll get you in the Thanksgiving spirit. It’s not an exhaustive one, but if you really want to replicate the family feast experience, you can get liquored up and argue about it. There’s something here for every taste – even if your taste is on the “Dahmer” End of the spectrum.

“Home for the Holidays” (1995)

Home for the Holidays Dylan McDermott Cynthia Stevenson Holly Hunter
Dylan McDermott and Holly Hunter liven up stuffy Cynthia Stevenson’s Thanksgiving in “Home for the Holidays” (Paramount)

Jody Foster’s minor masterpiece captures family events and their spirit. At her parents’ Baltimore home after losing her job and making out with her boss, Claudia (Holly Hunter) looks on as gay brother Tommy (pre-“Iron Man” Robert Downey Jr. tries to cut the turkey but it is too difficult and he launches the bird into Joanne’s lap (Cynthia Stevenson). In Joanne’s defense, who hasn’t shouted “YOU COCKSUCKER!” at the dinner table while outing your brother’s marriage as he photographs and taunts you? You can see the entire scene. Here.

“Pilgrim” (2019)

“Pilgrim” (Hulu)

Courtney Henggeler, mother “Cobra Kai”To give her family a memorable Thanksgiving dinner and to teach them about their privileges, ), hires historic reenactors. Sometimes it is necessary to be humble and not take everything for granted. The family discovers how a father can provide for his children in the grossly-out dinner scene. The feature-length installment of Hulu’s “Into the Dark” series was supposedly inspired by an event from co-writer Noah Feinberg’s childhood.

“Avalon” (1990)

Joan Plowright Armin Mueller-Stahl Avalon
Joan Plowright stars with Armin Müller-Stahl “Avalon” (Tri-Star)

In writer/director Barry Levinson’s autobiographical look at Polish Jewish immigrants in The mid-20thcentury, we learn that you just don’t mess with some traditions — and that doing so can unleash long-simmering resentments. Uncle Gabriel (Lou Jacobi), arriving late for Thanksgiving, turns his back on Sam (Armin Mueller–Stahl). “You cut the turkey without me?” The feud starts when he walks away. You wait until every relative’s there before the turkey’s cut, understand? The scene is amazing. Here.

“Home Sweet Home” (1981)

Home Sweet Home
“Home Sweet Home” (Intercontinental Releasing)

Some of the group of friends who haven’t been slaughtered (yet) obliviously chow down on a big multi-course repast at a ranch house as an escaped mental patient is turning them into carcasses. This isn’t just an escape mental patient. It was a cackling and musclebound mental patient who had been given PCP by the escaped patient. “Body by Jake” guy. This rare slasher film with a female director, Nettie Peña, is the cinematic equivalent of spray cheese in a can.

“The Doors” (1991)

The Doors Meg Ryan
Meg Ryan is the star of “The Doors” (Tri-Star)

Thanksgiving etiquette tip: even if you’re a freewheelin’ rock star, think carefully about inviting a nice lady you’ve previously, ah, made gravy with to a big dinner with your current girlfriend and a bunch of your wastrel buddies. It leads to high-velocity sweet potatoes, and an epic fight between Lizard King Jim Morrison and Pamela Courson, which escalates onto knife-swinging. “Gimme some death!” The scene is amazing! Here.

“The Ice Storm” (1997)

Ice Storm Tobey Maguire Kevin Klein Christina Ricci
Christina Ricci, Kevin Klein, and Tobey Maguire are stars in “The Ice Storm” (20th Century Fox

Amid the unfaithfulness and dissatisfaction of 1973 — key-swapping party, anyone? — sometimes a man (Kevin Kline) and his wife (Joan Allen) just want to sit down for a nice Thanksgiving dinner with no drama. Your daughter, Christina Ricci (Christina Ricci), opens by opening with a prayer such as this. “Dear Lord, thank you for this Thanksgiving holiday, and for all the material possessions that we have and enjoy …”Side eye.“… and for letting us white people kill all the Indians and steal their tribal lands …”Hey.“… and stuff ourselves like pigs even though children in Asia are being napalmed …”Damn. The scene is shown Here.

“Spider-Man” (2002)

Spider-Man Tobey Maguire Willem Dafoe
Tobey Magiuire and Willem Dafoe stars in “Spider-Man” (Sony Pictures)

You’re thinking the real turkey was “Spider-Man 3” in 2007, and that’s valid. But listen: It’s going to get awkward when you invite The Green Goblin (Willem Dafoe) over for family dinner, even if he’s keeping it discreet in his Norman Osborn identity. Rosemary Harris’ Aunt May has to give him a rape when he asks for sweet potato marshmallows. And things only get worse. The Gobbler sees a cut on Peter Parker’s (Tobey Maguire) arm, figures out he’s Spider-Man, bolts up to leave without carving the bird, then says some very ungentlemanly things about Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) that everyone can hear. That’s right, even superheroes can’t just have a nice meal for once. The scene is shown below Here.

“Blood Rage” (1987)

Blood Rage
“Blood Rage” (Film Limited)

And yet, so inept ‘80s schlock replete with large hair, synth score, gratuitous nudity and a large helping of Oedipus. The appetizer: grossed out by the sight of mom (Louise Lasser from “Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman”) making out with a boyfriend in the front seat at a drive-in, twin brothers (both played by Mark Soper) hop out and one of them hatchet-murders a naked guy in another car — and blames it on the other twin, who’He was then institutionalized. The main course: during Thanksgiving dinner with her new boyfriend a decade later, mom finds out he’s escaped. He’s a secretly evil twin. “Looks like you’re going to get a chance to meet the rest of the family. My psychotic brother just escaped. Could you pass the green beans, please?” The direction the film is heading can be seen in this line later on. “That isn’t cranberry sauce, Artie. That is not cranberry sauce!” The scene is amazing! Here.

“Thanksgiving” (2007)

Thanksgiving Eli Roth
Eli Roth is the director of a scene. “Thanksgiving” (YouTube)

“The table is set. The festivities have begun. One uninvited guest has arrived. And this year there will be no leftovers.” All right, this isn’t a real film. The decapi-tastic 2 ½-minute trailer for Eli Roth’s turkey day horror film is all that exists, but it became an instant classic as part of the Grindhouse feature from Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez. It might have become its own full movie if Grindhouse hadn’t gone over like stale dinner rolls. The scene is shown. Here.

Dexter Season 4 Episode 9 “Hungry Man.”

John Lithgow Dexter
John Lithgow plays the role of the Trinity Killer during Season 4 “Dexter” (Showtime)

What if an Episode of Showtime is not a complete interpretation? “cinema”? Why can’t you get off my back and just enjoy something for once? Way before the series finale left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth, this was a jaw-dropping high point. Dexter (Michael C. Hall) gets himself invited to the home of Trinity Killer Arthur Mitchell (John Lithgow) for Thanksgiving dinner and sees that he’s a tyrant whose family lives in abject terror of him. Resentment boils over and an outburst at the table from Mitchell’s teen son turns the old man violent. When Dexter intervenes by dragging Mitchell into the kitchen by the neck with his belt, you’ll realize you weren’t breathing and maybe wonder,Dexter was there when I was growing-up? The scene is amazing! Here.

Okay, so who doesn’t need a nap?


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