Tanya Tucker’s Friends Allegedly Begging Her To Stop Drinking, Anonymous Insider Claims

Is Tanya Tucker drinking herself into an early grave? One report says her friends are urging her to take care of herself and put down the bottle. Gossip Cop investigates.

‘Tequila Terror For Tornado Tanya Tucker!’

According to the Globe, Tucker’s love of alcohol has her boyfriend, Craig Dillingham, scared. With Tucker scheduled to go on tour in 2022, he’s apparently worried about her ability to stay responsible. “Tanya doesn’t think she has a problem, but Craig’s worried even a shot of tequila will do her harm,” a spy reveals.

In 1988, Tucker found herself in the Betty Ford Clinic to treat her addiction to alcohol and cocaine. She and Dillingham got together in 2019, and he’s supported her through hip surgery. He reportedly even intends to follow her on the road to make sure she doesn’t overdo it. “That’s like trying to tame a wild Mustang,” a source concludes. “She doesn’t take orders or ultimatums from anybody. Trouble is, boozing could take years off her life.”

Tanya Tucker’s Problems Are In Check

First of all, friends don’t talk to tabloids. The Globe cites Dillingham’s concerns, but he hasn’t said anything to this effect. It’s just putting words in his mouth to back its hurtful story of addiction.

It’s true that Tucker lived pretty hard back in the ’80s, but she appears to have everything under control. In a 2019 interview with Rolling Stone, she discussed her cocaine problem: “I knew once I tried it that it would help me lose weight, and I felt a little overweight.” The article says she now enjoys cannabis, the occasional cigarette, and martinis. This is a far cry from someone on the verge of a breakdown.

Tucker’s upcoming tour is a moment of triumph. She was forced to cancel her 2021 tour over health and COVID concerns, so it’s great that she can finally get back on the road. It’s worth noting that Tucker won two Grammy Awards in 2020 for her record While I’m Livin’, her first win ever. Between her success, the tour, and her romance with Dillingham, life must be good.

Total Disrespect

The Globe regularly uses booze and alcoholism in its crude pieces. It called Gwyneth Paltrow a boozehound when she admitted to drinking more during quarantine. Yeah, her and a billion others.

In 2020, it claimed Brad Pitt was begging Jennifer Aniston to quit drinking. They’re not an item and she doesn’t seem to have a serious problem. Most recently, this outlet attacked Bill Murray for drinking enough to scare his friends. While Murray’s behavior has been extremely questionable of late, there’s no sign that was because of alcohol. 

Booze is an easy crutch for this lazy rag to lean on when it needs a quick hit piece. This outlet can offer no proof beyond some so-called sources to back its story. Tucker appears to have everything totally under control.

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